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The Walking Dead RP


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Better to spend your last breath looking stylish eh? :thumbsup:


I'm not sure, most likely i'll stick with Nintii :thumbsup:


In Alexia's world she thinks, no expects the zombies to know that she's the queen of the catwalk, whether it means something

to their dullard brains or not ... life is still a party for her irrespective of what the world is doing ... I can live with that.


@ macman253 ... Hey there, if it's my plot you're referring to ... let me explain ... it all starts with Alice preparing herself to lure

the undead out ... then reminiscing she paints a backstory of what actually took place in the city during the outbreak ... then finally

when she's ready, the story closes with her luring the zombies out and then she goes for the prize.

Nevertheless, I'll check to see if I can do anything with it.

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I heard about this RP.. considering joining. I believe I have the excess mental capacity to allow this to work (As In, I put a bit of myself in every character.. but it gets hard sometimes) I have two characters in mind.. but I need some time to see if I can make them work. The ideas are of.. a teenager who went partially nuts and thinks its the 60s or 70s (hippy) and a recent idea I got whilst playing Borderlands, A young girl who is almost completely nuts and loves blowing stuff up. Maybe both. (I have to have.. quirkiness in the character, it's my "thing")
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Name: Melody


Description: Long, dark hair parted down the middle, goes about mid-back. Green eyes, pink glasses, usually kept down her nose, about 5'6", slender, with pale, smooth and clear skin.


Appearance: One of those shirts that leave one of the shoulders bare, with a peace sign emblazoned on the front, flared, bell-bottomed jeans, tight at the hips, but flared at the cuff, usually bare feet, but has a set of canvas shoes for travelling long distance. She also has a long coat, made of cotton so she doesn't have any animal furs.


Equipment: A duffel bag with spare clothes, as well as her weapons, generally a fire poker or an old sword that used to be on the wall in her father's home. The blade is a military saber, and used to belong to her grandfather, it is quite sharp, and she is pretty good with it. She also possesses a tent, one of those quick-assemble tents, a warm sleeping bag, a metal canteen from a military surplus store for her water, a small flask for alcohol, currently empty, several flares, and for ranged use, she has a bow and arrows, and knows how to fashion new arrows, should she need to.


Background: Melody lived with her father before the outbreak, as well as her stepmother, who her father had married after Melody's mother died shortly after childbirth, due to complications. Her stepmother was her mother's best friend, and used to be a hippy back in the day, all about peace and free love and all that. Melody learned a lot of different things from her parents, her father was into war things, fighting and archery while her stepmother was into nature and painting, although was pretty good with medicine. Her father taught her archery, How to make a bow, what materials made good bowstrings, and how to make good arrows. Her stepmother taught her first aid, how to recognize medicinal plants in the woods. Her parents were killed in one of the first attacks of the outbreak, and Melody lost it slightly. She saw all the hippy memorabilia around her, and believed it was the 60s/70s, and since she wore the same jeans size as her stepmother anyway, although her mother wore a bit larger shirts, Melody took what clothes she could from her stepmother's drawers, grabbed her father's camping gear, the sword from the wall, a poker that she used to defend herself from a zombie, and her bow and arrows, leaving her house to wander the wilderness. She is 17, going on 18, and has a strong belief in free love, and being a free spirit. She often gets attached to people too quickly, be they men or women, however her slight delusional state allows her to simply forget people when they die, perhaps as a coping method.


I know I was gonna use 2 chars, but I lack the connection to the other character. I can't do completely crazy. I have to be only slightly nutty. Ergo, Melody is born. I couldn't think of a last name, sorry.

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A note on Melody. She views the zombies as russian mutants, sent to destabilize America so Russia can take over. So, yeah. She uses different terms for them, shamblers, like Shambling Mutants. I just thought it would fit in with her semi-madness.


Nintii, I pmed you on this, but in case you didn't get it, I find your posts more than a bit confusing, not to mention you ignored that Melody followed Alexia to the apartment. So yeah, just a heads up from a, shall I call myself, a Veteran Role Player.

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A note on Melody. She views the zombies as russian mutants, sent to destabilize America so Russia can take over. So, yeah. She uses different terms for them, shamblers, like Shambling Mutants. I just thought it would fit in with her semi-madness.


Nintii, I pmed you on this, but in case you didn't get it, I find your posts more than a bit confusing, not to mention you ignored that Melody followed Alexia to the apartment. So yeah, just a heads up from a, shall I call myself, a Veteran Role Player.


Nothing confusing at all ... and yes I did miss Melody, sorry on that one ... but a bit of reading on both sides is always helpful as you will discover that Alice

was on the 30th floor and you walked in on the ground ... anyhow thanks for the heads up on Melody.

Edited by Nintii
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A note on Melody. She views the zombies as russian mutants, sent to destabilize America so Russia can take over. So, yeah. She uses different terms for them, shamblers, like Shambling Mutants. I just thought it would fit in with her semi-madness.


Nintii, I pmed you on this, but in case you didn't get it, I find your posts more than a bit confusing, not to mention you ignored that Melody followed Alexia to the apartment. So yeah, just a heads up from a, shall I call myself, a Veteran Role Player.


Nothing confusing at all ... and yes I did miss Melody, sorry on that one ... but a bit of reading on both sides is always helpful as you will discover that Alice

was on the 30th floor and you walked in on the ground ... anyhow thanks for the heads up on Melody.


With all due respect, it isn't your place to tell me what I do and do not find confusing.

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Actually, you know what? I don't think I'm gonna remain in this one. Although I like the show, the company here is a little... lacking. Enjoy what you have. It probably won't last. I say this from experience.


Nintii, this is primarily because of you that I leave. Reason being, you control other people's characters in your posts, and tell me what I can and cannot think about your posts. Not happening. I leave whilst I still have control over my anger issues. Good evening.

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Baldur if you have issues you dont have to go along with nintii, try remaking your character and bringing her into Flips, Ghostdoggs and my RP area. You make very interesting and off the wall characters. Flipout is really enjoying his crazy guy character. I have to admit he is pretty awesome with it.
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