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JaYmZeE311074 - Formal warning issued

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JaYmZeE311074 has received a formal warning. This user has now received 1 formal warnings. The warning was given for the following reason:


Offensive remarks towards another member

Circumventing the profanity filter


„Vigilante“ behaviour



Comments 14 Nov 2019




I was gonna tear you a new one but I can't be bothered typing - dicks like you don't merit the effort - I just wanna know what the feck makes you think your special.



I'd hazard a guess that your natural charisma isn't what mates you special, or your communication skills for that matter - I'm betting your a fecking riot at parties aren't you.....


Maybe it's your sense of entitlement that makes you special - did Mummy tell you that you were special - or was it an Uncle?



Because all the information you could possibly want regarding this mod has already been provided and it may surprise you to find out that people have better things to do than pander to the likes of you.


It's not for me to say about whether you should download the mod or not - but I promise you that it's your loss if you don't - but save your crap for somewhere else - anywhere else but here - these sorts of questions ARE NOT WELCOME.... do you understand - don't ask blatantly stupid questions and act like an a**hole and I'll save my judgement for the next wack an a**hole who sticks his head up cause there is no shortage of you... look back at the questions already asked and you'll see.....


Frankly, I can't even tell you apart






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This warning was issued for what took place here, here




Restrictions in place

As part of the warning, JaYmZeE311074 has had the following restrictions placed on his or her account:


This user cannot post comments on the sites or forums for 7 days




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