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the ayleid kingdom


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hello everyone, i have now decided to stop useing old oblivion textures and start useing modderler resources. so far it has been really good and it is looking much better, every one who has let me use there textures as moddeling recources has been mentioned in the read me of the mod there shall be some pics and names tommorow. there are some moddlers who i am asking so far can i use there textures because i just dont like to take things with no permition so, so far i am trying to contact cid88 for the werewolf textures and some other modderlers who i think they may or may not be want to be mentioned but if they let me they will be mentioned in the readme. also in the read me there will be the people who have helped me with the mod like armageddon and the whole team. i may post the read me in a few days so people can get an idea what it is like so far and who has helped to make it sofar. so thanks for reading from keylek.
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i am deciding to go for an old but good condition look for the ayleid buildings in my realm, so they are not brand new because that will be impossable and stupid sp i am going for a more paradise look like this...




this is a pic of the old kind of ayleid bridge in the nifskope and as you can see it looks awful...




as you can see with this one it is newer, fresher but it is not gleaming white what makes it perfect.

i thank ceno for this ayleid retexture what will make my mod look brilliant.

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here is anubis in human and werewolf form. there is still some work needed on them and i still need some replys from some people to see if i can use there textures. hircene cursed anubis not menunes dagon because it will make sence because of his curse what makes him like a werewolf but feed on blood. more will be mentioned later but here is the pic...



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the exteriors of the ayleid meshes are finaly all on the mod now i can start makeing ayleid things and building in the realm, still need to do interiors and there seems to be a propblem with the trees for some reasion but i should be able to fix this.
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i am now retexturing a imperial palace mesh copy for my palace in my mod here is it so far [and i know it looks like where a clown would live, lol]






looks abit too fresh to me and maybe the red and blue on the tower looks like a clown too much so this may all be changed later

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I think it is a little too obvious that it is an imperial tower twice... maybe you should just delete the bottom part of the upside down one and add that to the top of the other? Go into nifskope, and just click on the screen on the bottom parts (of the building part) and then that will highlight the corresponding nitrishapes in the left list. right click and select remove branch and it will disappear...


Also, those walls the black and the white are FAR too sharply contrasting, I suggest that you make the middle (recessed area) black as well to make it look more fluent. And are you doing imperial or ayleid? because you need to be consistant in your architectural scheme... the tower is Ayleid so thats ok, but those houses are CLEARLY imperial.

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i have already said this was a test and it is ment to look like two imperial towers on top of each other but i may change it abit like a nicname for the tower shall be the mirror tower or the waters reflection tower or something like that because how it looks like there is a mirror between them. also at the top of the tower there shall be the council chambers of the realm so thats why there is a big block at the top and it makes it more magical because it seems imposable for the tower to be standing, by obaying the laws of physics the head should have acted like a heavy weight on a stick and eather of crushed the tower or made it fall to one side killing hundereds. it is only the magic of the realm keeping it up. anyway this pic was taken from a distance so you can not notice the ayleid textures and the crystal sections on the tower but you can clearly see it is alot whiter than the imperial city tower. i also want to keep its hight because that makes it epic and more powerfull looking over the realm and where the door is upside down at the top of the tower shall be covered by a balcany what shall look over the realm, also remember you shall be looking at the tower from the ground, this makes it seem taller and makes it very hard to notice anything on the tower. you can clearly see the size of the tower because the palace walls what are quite high look very small compared to the tower. these was also made in five mins and using only a few textures because i was very bissy adding the textures to the new ayleid interiors. thank you though for pointing it out.
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also if anyone knows how to make glass with a blue tint like its under water and normal glass please say because there will be some things on my mod what will need glass like the underwater districts and some secret things what shall be mentioned later...
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