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the ayleid kingdom


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i still cannot find that latin dictonary, its still hidding somewhere, but i am still adding ideas together and they are all going well but there is something i need to ask you all, does any one know a mod what works what changes the ayleid textures to look brand new, every one i have tried so far have worked on the construction set [as how you see it] but not in the real game? this is something i do not understand so if anyone has any idea of a mod what will work, or a mod what i can base the textures on because i do not want to do all the work of making a beautiful city on the cs but it is extreamly ugly in game play. currently there is alot of testing before i will make the real mod because the size of it will be epic, like i pratically said earlyer, i want to make a beautiful mod, well more epic, something what just makes you want to play it over and over again what happens to quite alot of city/land mods because you get bored of them in time. so if anybody know any good texture replacements or any good ayleid mods to base on please write them down, or email me at...


[email protected]


thank you all sofar for the ideas, with your help the mod may just be possable and i shall add i have been wanting to make a mod like this for well over a year so i am trying as much as i can to get better at mods [what i only started making around 2-3 weeks ago [maybe not even that] so i determent for this to be a brilliant first published mod by me, unlike other firstly made mods what can be abit disaponting [not trying to be evil but we all know it but people do get alot better in time]


thank you all for taking your time reading this i hope you will give me some good ideas and remember other people can use these ideas for there mods so feel free to do so, just maybe say thank you as a post to every one who have written on this post because its not that nice to take ideas to say how you will use them or how you got them.


so thank you again and may the light of ra guide your way...

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If you cant find that dictionary... try this site. Its helped me find words before! http://www.archives.nd.edu/cgi-bin/lookdown.pl english to latin! And as i responded to your request...I currently do not have any mods out, I, like you, am waiting to put a good one out first! Hopefully you chose Saebren as the name of your tower, because i still think that idea rocks...! GL and dont quit...if you feel stresses, downsize, but dont quit. there have been a lot of people flat dropping their projects because they think they over-shot it. :biggrin: like i probably did!


Dont forget about those spiral stairs!!!

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saebren hears like a good name atually, it hears strong, magical, ayleid, and i have a strange feeling in my back what i usally get when it seems to just fit in but 'just' fit in or it could mean its bad and we are all going to die a horrable death in the tower but any way, i will use that name it just hears very sea like but a far away sea but thats good because this realm is ment to hear mistical and far away from the troubles of cyrodiil.


A little discription of the tower so far, it is [well in the tests anyway] two times the size of the imperial city tower [i think its too small the imperial city tower to be the center of an entire empire] it is ancored in place [like an oblivion gate] by a very large sigill stone in the basement, what is keeped guarded by some ancient being. in the top floor there is several [more like 24/12] sigill stones also powering it [sort of like a primary power and a back up 'but people will think its the top floor ones what are the primary but its atually the basements one what will just be epic'] and right down the center of this gigantic tower shall be a beam of fire leading from primary to back up [these are quite important for the people of the realm because they are the only thing stopping the realm from falling [or shall i say more like swallowed up] by the waters of oblivion, for it to never return unless the use of very powerfull magic to bring it back. so basicly death and distruction to us all.


I can only think of a few things i can use the spiral stairs for [buts thats because i have not desined many houses yet because i draw them out first before trying to make them on the cs] but bridges thats another matter. around the city it will be surrounded by i gigantic moat [a pool of water] what needs some big bridges to get from one side to the other. if you could why dont you make an esp of your stairs and bridges and give them me so then i can add them on my mod, and dont be scared, but when the mod is finaly complete [it does take along time to make a mod this big expecally that you just learned moddeling just a few weeks ago 'thats me'] your forum name shall be there to basicly say thank you and everyone shall know you did it.


thank you for the help i hope you will give me that esp then.


thanks again- keylek

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does any body know of any doors what look good [like they are ment to be there] what can fit in the imperial city area doors, and get use the ayleid theme, all the ayleid doors i have tried so far seem to not really suite the gap and they just look like something what some one put together out of scrap and hoped it looked good. so if anybody has any good ideas then for doors in the oblivion esm what will look good for this mod and fit in the gaps perfectly [or good enouth] what will keep with the theme, like so far i have made the 'real' not a test of the main tower, as i said before the district is based on the imperial city tower district [white gold tower] for two good reasions, one the ayleids made white gold tower and two it is simpular to do because this is going to be my first published mod what shall be on 'tesnexus'. i had to put all the parts together one by one than just copying because if copyed you will have to sort out all the hights of the parts and i usally get them all wrong. but several trys of of over and over again to get it perfect it now fits together like it was made to [and it was]. i have to say the imperial city has to be the hardest city to put together, but i think the mod i am making may be harder because i will have to many things from all diffent ayleid things just to make one good ayleid house but if i take my time it shall be good looking and i will be proud of it for all the time i spent building it up.


keep the brilliant posts coming - keylek

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why have you posted this post natsu666, this is a stupid thing to do, i bet you have only done the post at top to get 200 posts and for that i am sorry to say i pitty you natu666, oh yes did you know the devils number is not 666, its 616, because a part of the old testiment was found a few years ago, older than any found before and when they read it, there where some things diffent to the modern version, like the number of the beast, so why have you even included that into your name. and by looking at things you are not happy, well if you are not happy on this forum go on a diffent one then. thank you.


sorry to every one but i hate people who just make stupid comments to just do it or to get there posts up because that is not the point of the forum, like thats why my posts are long not short, if i did make them short, then i would have many more posts now than what i have, you are very lucky i have not reported you natu666.


sorry about that every one else but now to the mod, i am going to when the realm is complete add some good quests. these quests will be baised on old myths. this may here strange but less and less people are reading myths so this is a brilliant way to reintroduse them. now you may be saying 'oh no heres one who was good at first but has just gone bonkers'. well you could say i have gone bonkers because these will not be the myths people love, [all happy endings or at least a strange ending] they will now all be deranged and mutated to be more disterbing but also more exciting for the player. like pomulouse and thebis [i think is spellt] is a myth what romeo and juliet is baised on, now you will really think i have lost it but beleave me you will love this version.


it starts of by thebis falling in love with an ugly fat lasy man for no reasion at all, [when he is ment to be fit and healthy in the book] and for no reasion whay this strange thing has happened your charicter just cannot put his/hers finger on it, later in the quest after follwing many rumors of things about pomulouse, thebis then tells you because she trusts you that they are to meet in the tomb out side the city, [now this is where it really turns into a stanger play] you know you should not go into the tomb [incase they have decided to go further than just kissing] but you go in the tomb any way because you do not trust pomulouse. to sum things up when you finaly go in the tomb you find the body of thebis on the floor with her throut ripped out and blood every where, you then see the so called pomulouse standing over the body with red eyes and very pale skin, he is a vampire. you then cut him up before he tries to rip your throut out and so then they are now both dead in the tomb [even though in the myth its out side but why would he be out side with all the monsters?] you find out he must of used his vampire skills to surduse her thats why she fell in love with him. you leave the tomb to find the entire thebis and pomulouse family standing around with torches when one says that you are an idiot and you just killed the lord of the clan, this is where you find out the two families are vampires and thebis was anoying to them because she was adopted and not a true vampire, so because of you trying to find out about them they where in danger of dieing because they could not feed with you learking around asking questions. they then to try and keep the secret and to feed try to kill you [this should be good for aventure loving players] and when all the families are dead you take the note on one of them, ' letter to go to the tomb and feed' and then you go and collect the reward.


the quest will be longer than that and most of you will be getting bored of me wrighting now but basicly i am going to turn them on there heads, anyway most the myths will suite this realm expecally the greek ones [where many people already die in them and torture with magic as well]

if anybody thinks this idea needs improving where i get already very bloody myths and some legends and make them even more bloody please just say because i want as many people as possable to add there ideas in this mod so they have some thing to be proud of when the mod is fimaly complete. thank you all for reading - keylek

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just to remind people i still need some good ideas for them doors, becuase so far there are no doors [or at least any good ones connecting the worlds together] so any sugesstions about what will be good then for the doors what have the theme of ayleids but yet are not ayleid doors [maybe some wooden doors] just remember they have to go in the gaps well in the imperial city large door holes [but not the imperial ones] so if any good segestions just post them here.


thank you - keylek

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