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the ayleid kingdom


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Hahaha, right this very second it is me, alex2avs, and inggrish (who is just finishing up his Eden Castle Mod which is very good) after the Dragon City mod is done (which wont be for a long time) it will be us three, and triforce and ihateregisteringeverywhere, but i dont want to be presumptuous. As of right now I just redesigned the scheme for the central palace. Hahahaha, yeah, you can keep asking, but think of how much faster it would be if we were chatting instead of this!
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heres some pics in the cs of the main island being made.






its the first time i have done anything big in the world maker part and its been very accurite thanks to an old plastic wallet and a permerant marker and not to forget the map. stills need alot of work to get it right and also some how activate the lod in the world and if possable i need to learn how to connect diffent worlds together so i can get it the size i want it [mite copy the tamriel map and base it in that world because basicly it is the size i want it. so this may not be the complete version, again i still need alot of tests and also to learn everything about the cs from the bethesta website about it.

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i clicked on the camera when you are editing worlds, then you print screen the image then edit it on paint but be warned because it can freze the cs if not carefull. i shall take some pics of what you need to click on and what you can see by doing it.
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heres a step to step guide [sorry for saying it like i am to a pre-schooler


click on the world looking button [ what i have circled red ]




a menu will pop up, when this happens click on the world you want [in this case i have clicked on tamriel]




when this happens the world editer will pop up, this is where you can edit the worlds you make [hopefully you should already know all this]




on this world editer click on the little camra what looks like something from the 1920's [i have circled it red]




when you click on this a little pop up will appear this warns you about the freezing or some thing like that, click ok and prey for it not to freeze.




when this happens the 3d view shall pop up [sorry for all the pop ups but it just happens] you can now look at it.




then you just click it and move it around and use the mouse wheel to zoom in and out, then print screen it and cut up the pic on paint or photoshop




thats the end of the little tortorial hope you will know what to do then in the future. keylek

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had a few problems with the mod today but they shall be fixed for tomorow though, the tower is being more ayleid like and more garden like things shall be added, there maybe pics of it tommorow when its fixed but untill then 'WATCH THIS SPACE!!!'
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