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confused 3rd person view


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I finally shelled out the coin for a new graphics card so i decided to try an ENB that i couldnt get to run before. i loaded up the superb ENB which i really liked but it was too dark so the mod suggested i load some ini files from somebody else's settings. i did that and the mouse was inverted so i fixed that setting. the main problem i have is that it switched my avatar to the right of the screen with the cursor on the left. i have been trying to get it to switch back but i can seem to find the settings. i deleted the whole camera section in the ini file but the cursor stayed on the right side. (now that i think about i thought somebody said i need to enter combat and then leave combat, not sure i did that) well anyway with no camera setting in the ini it should just go back to the defualt right? is the defualt avatar on the left and cursor on the right? i did use somebody elses setting i found on a forum but my arrows dont seem to be going to where the cursor is. the arrows seem to go left of where the cursor is. wow lots of rambling. anyway can i just remove the camera setting to get back to normal?


and on a side note how do i make an ENB less dark at night?


thanks for reading my ramblings.

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