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Glacier Landmass


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OK, so I have the landmass itself done, except for a few minor bugs i am going to sort out. Now, since it is going to be a glacier, it needs to be textured as such. I have the texture that i want to use


however, I dont know how to make it available for the textures in the ladscape editor.


secondly, i want to have some unique trees and shrubs etc. for the place, but i have no idea how to go about making icy trees.


and i guess i lied, there is a third question...

I need to have the long distance land (so you can see the landmass from a little island in the bay. how might i got about doing that? I already did generate LOD in the heightmap editor, is there another way that works? (evidently that one did not)


If you the answer to one or all or some or whatever of these questions please let me know!!!


Thanks! :thanks:

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Your first question i can't answer for you however I can answer the other two.


To create custom trees or shrubs you need a program such as Blender 3D and GIMP (both free) to do the modeling/texturing. You'll also need another free Program called NifSkope to assign the texture to the mesh. (there are plenty of tutorials on the CS wiki on how to do this)


To create LOD, open up your worldspace in the render window and click on the terrain (NOT an object) and then click on Generate LOD. ONLY generate the LOD after you have finished all your landscaping as changing things around after generating the LOD can cause some problems.

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You can't actually make the trees from Oblivion with just a 3D program and NifSkope. They were made using a program that utilizes .spt files. Can't remember what it was, but I'll put it this way; It wasn't free. So, just go ahead and make some static ice trees. They won't move in the wind, or have an LOD version like the vanilla ones, but they'll work.
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I still don't see what's incorrect about it. The polygons face towards the inside of your mesh, which is ok because that's what the player's going to look at them from, and this logicaly means that you see the "backside" from the outside, which isn't drawn out in nifscope, or the game, because it's not neccesarry.


Just try to rotate the bridge arround to see what I mean, it's going to render fine if you look at it from the inside.


And in case it doesn't then you've got flipped faces, you need to rotate the normals to the inside of the mesh.

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