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game crashes on strtup everytime


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i just started using the mod manager and added about 6 mods including all the bug fix files, ive tried going through the list and deactivating different mods to see if it would run but with no success. If i click "launch oblivion" from the mod manager it launches oblivion for a split second before the game simply vanishes it is the same if i use the shortcut for the game. any help would be appreciated. ill include a screenshot my mod list.











Managed to get it running my removing most of the mods, it seems i cant run any of the unique landscapes mods, has anyone experieneced this?

Edited by nugs187
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@nugs187: The pic doesn't tell your load order, just reveals what mods you are using. If you press the plugin tab, that will be all of your master files and mods in their present load order.


If it crashes on startup, usually you are missing a master file or your files are out of order. For example, I see that you are using the unofficial mods patch. That must mean that you have all those mods installed before the patches in load order. If you haven't already, download BOSS, run it, and it will fix load order for the most part.


Also, read the descriptions carefully on every mod. Oftentimes, there are other requirements for that mod to work, like having obse or Elys Silent voice or whatever. I am not familiar with your plugins except for cobl and the unofficial patches. Cobl used to require obse. Does it still?


If you have downloaded the game through steam, verifying cache is always handy for checking through game files.


That's a start, at any rate. Good luck!

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From experience, it is always a conflicting mod.


Try deactivating a quater of your mods at a time, and once you find a disabled block and the game runs, slowly enable mods 5 at a time until you find the broken link.


From then, its just a process of elimination.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Another thing that hasn't been said yet and which could be the problem is whether you are using OBSE or not. If you ARE using OBSE, and if you are NOT launching Oblivion via the obseloader, then you aren't loading OBSE when you run Oblivion, and therefore any plugin which uses OBSE can crash the game. You indicated that you used the mod manager to load Oblivion (which the OBMM says NOT to do). This indicates to me that you are NOT loading OBSE with Oblivion. If you have OBSE installed properly, and don't know if you are using the loader, then you may not be. Check the properties in your Oblivion shortcut. It should end with "...\Oblivion\obse_loader.exe", and you should be able to see that file in your Oblivion folder if you have installed OBSE properly. The same thing has to be done if you use the CS. The shortcut needs to end with "...\Oblivion\obse_loader.exe" -editor.


Hope this helps.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Hi I have the same problems and have tried trial and error deactivating and reactivating files and mods without much success when I do I tried the mod manager I dont know anything about modding or anything but when I use it it doesnt seem to seperate files or mods or anything and tries to place them in other mods I dont understand if its suppose to do that or just not a function NMM. if need be how would I go through and delete everything and manually install seperating each mod by folder and title with everything working porperly? Also some mods dont have the option to install normally so after download what do I take out. I have been going through every. You did mention something about order and mods have mentioned this to I'm guessing its better to manually do it but how can you be sure you have done everything right?
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Could be a mod dependency thing. I see two patches in there: FB Dark Crusader-Unique landscapes and Vernana Brewery-FBDC-Uniques landscapes, but not the mods the patches are for (I am guessing that maybe you have more mods that would be listed under the Plugins tab on the NMM). The patches depend on the base mods and if there are there, the dependent mods will crash oblivion on startup. It is also possible that those two patches conflict with each other
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