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respawning/random encounters and weapons


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I would absolutely love this game if it was possible to have random encounters while fast traveling and/or while exploring the wasteland. That was one of my favorite features of the previous games. You never knew what you were going to walk into. And of couse, I would love to have all the original weapons from the previous Fallout games.
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Respawning is, by a mile, the most important mod. What was Bethesda THINKING???

ALL enemies and chests/containers should respawn. And victims to rescue.

The game gets dull fast as one clears areas.


First the easy request: does anyone know of an ini. change that could accomplish this?


Now for the greedy request: I'd like to open a console with 3 sliders:

1. Frequency

2. number

3. level

of respawns

Bonus: Quick game: command to "Add xx (enemy type) to current building or map cell. The spawned opponents would have the usual level appropriate random loot. This would occur within the main game, so that experience and loot would remain with the character, rather than going to some sort of disconnected "Arena".


The more of a certain faction or creature you kill, the more aggressive the remainder become.


How say you all?

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