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Dawnguard and update.esm


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right since installing Dawnguard its all gone belly up i had a lovely crash free game rare i know now im getting all the stuff youv heard about broken this that and everything anyway i open NMM to launch the game and saw UPDATE.ESM was unchecked Dawnguard has two masters skyrim.esm and update.esm ,so i rechecked it thinking why did i do that then proceeded to headbang because i couldnt proceed through the prophet quest ,poked the "better vampires mod " with a stick not guilty by all accounts the author tells me it has been confirmed that his mod doesnt break dawnguard ok i say im in no position to argue so il rule that out . so i go to launch it again and yet again update.esm is unchecked now correct me if im wrong but isnt that a potential candidate for the belly up behaviour a file needing two masters that only has one running and something keeps disabling update.esm ?


what do you think about this know something i dont , do tell .

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ok update tee hee


i tracked down the unchecking of update.esm issue its TESmod manager i switched to NMM to check the master situation as described above and have just noticed that the file has remained checked now CoT is working again which is strange as it only lists skyrim.esm as its master .


im yet to retry the dawnguard dlc as iv had to grind back to lvl 10

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