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So I tried to install the xrepair mod, and it said extract to fallout3/data.


That file does not exist on my computer, have I done anything wrong?


As far as I'm aware, if you don't have a Data folder then your installation is FUBAR.


It should be in C:/Program Files/Bethesda Softworks/Fallout 3/

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I had the same problem but if you go on the launcher there is an option that says data files.

clicking on this should make them loose so you can add mods!

hope this helps :)

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sounds like someone torrented an iso file!!! due to the way this works, you probably just have a few items in your fallout 3 folder that are kinda big, no folders though, so you cannot manipulate the data due to how it installed, pay for the game my friend or you cannot mod... at all i think


p.s. If you did pay, my bad, this just sounds like the simplest answer :whistling:

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