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Start new-game mid-quest


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Hi there,


Super new to both the forums and modding. I've already beaten the game, but I'm looking to start it again, and I'm hoping to make a personal mod for my own RP purposes...


Essentially, I want my character to arrive in Skyrim at the start of the game already being a member of the companions, and the circle. Essentially, he's a Nord who was already one of the companions when he left Skyrim to join the Legion during the great war. Now, he's returning for the first time in decades.


Without giving away and spoilers, I figure the simple way to do this would be to trick the game into thinking I've already completed a certain number of companion quests, such that when I walk into Jorrovaskr the NPCs think I've been there before. As I've actually played all of these quests already, I won't miss them.


Anyone know if this is possible? In advance, I appreciate your consideration. It would be cool if I could pull this off!



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