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Accurate Attaack Mod Not Working


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Good day all,

(I hope that I am abiding by the forum rules regarding the placement of this post. Please tell me if i am not so that I can quickly post this correctly)

I have been playing Morrowind with much enjoyment but have encountered repeated frustration with the combat. For this reason, I have spent an inordinate amount of time trying to install the Accurate Attack Mod made by jamespb. I placed the ESP in the Data Files of Morrowind then I activated the Mod in the launcher. After trying to engage in combat on multiple occasions, it did not work. I assume that I am missing something quite obvious considering my relative inexperience so I would really appreciate some help. I have Windows 10 and I am running the game from the Bethesda Launcher, not Steam. Let me know if any more information is needed. I appreciate any help that can be provided.

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