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Editing Item description's font colors and sizes


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Im sure this has been solved and the answers is out there but i have limited time to mod theses days and Google didnt turn up much info i could use .

So to the question @ hand basically im wanting to be able to change the font size or colors of the text in my custom items.


the reason for the colored text is because im creating a category system like common,magical,rare,epic,legendary in the item description and would love to input the class of the item in a particular color.

the second problem im having is if i enter my custom stats in the Description and its longer that the first line in the description window in the CK the font seems to shrink ingame like the piccy shows.

so i was wondering if there was a way to keep it readable without a microscope. as in the ck your given a box box to enter in to but its pretty much usless if its gonna shrink when you go past 3 words.





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