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Need some help with my mod


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I'm woking on the next version of my mod, the Halls of Dovahndor.



I have added several NPCs, and I want them to sit at the large table in the Hall of Feasts, eating and drinking.


I followed this

to get the different NPCs to sit in their chairs 24-7 ("Linked Ref" to chair).


But when I opened the game the NPCs just sat there, staring at eachother. There was NO eat or drink animations.




So my question is, how do I add eat and drink animations to an NPC sitting in a chair?





Thanks :)

Edited by Okiir
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What kind of AI packages are your NPCs running? Do you have the defaultmasterpackage set? Actor > ai packages > default package list


You may also want to define custom packages in the package list above that.


Well, I have no AI packages for those NPCs.


I noticed that when a NPC had no AI package and had no "Linked Ref" to any object they would just randomly walk from one chair to the other, but they automaticly got the eat/drink animation while sitting.



So, do I have to add an AI package, if so, which?

Edited by Okiir
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