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My mod ideas.


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These are some ideas that I came up with while playing Skyrim. I do not, however, have Skyrim on the computer, and have zero modding experience. Also, I do not doubt some people have similar ideas. Not my fault.


Idea # 1


The necromancer aspect of Skyrim is quite bland; having only two summons maximum and a limited number of choices to summon. I disliked how my evil necromage would have to hire or ask people to follow me. The idea here would be that the character could rip out the heart of dead n.p.c.s and keep them. The character could then take the heart to a standalone altar (or draw a symbol on the ground) and turn the heart into an evil blackened heart (optional name). Then the character could take the heart and replace a dead bodies heart with it. The body would then act as a follower rather than a summon. This would work great with UFO Ultimate Follower Overhaul if the two mods would be compatible.


Idea # 2


The next idea I came up with by sleeping. Basically it adds a werewolf/vampire lord type creature that the character can either become or fight against. Although I came up with the idea long before the Dawnguard Dlc, the ideas are very similar. However, in this mod, the character would turn into a large crystalline monster that comes from a plane of Oblivion (the Soul Cairn fits perfectly into the lore) and gains bonuses. The monster form of the character would be able to shoot crystals from their hands(infinitely), or use their fists as blades(using hand to hand animations). In human form the player would get infinite charges from weapons, and resists all elemental damage.Also, summoned enemy creatures do not attack the player. The player is also weakened, so as not to be overpowered and has weaknesses to normal weapons and restoration magic is doubly weakened. Also the creator of the mod could add the crystal fist and launcher weapons to normal form as that was the original idea.


Idea # 3


As an assassin, my Khajiit was very good, but he didn't feel all that awesome walking up behind people, flipping his dagger upside down, and hacking at his target. He felt that it lacked finesse. This mod would allow the player to push N.P.C.s over walls or such.This could probably be done by a very short paralysis effect, and possibly a tiny push effect.


Idea # 4

Mages have special magic. They can make gold. But in the vanilla game they can only make gold from siver ore, and then it's sold. The idea behind this is a Midas touch type deal. Basically it adds a spell that turns the targets armor and weapons into gold, making them weigh more, sell for more, and deal little damage or do little protection from weapons.


Idea # 5

Dreams are a form of magic. Just ask Vaermina. It'd be nice to see a mod that adds dreams. I have thought if two ways to do this. When the player sleeps, they can be teleported to the Quagmire, and experience "A dark castle one moment, a den of ravening beasts the next, a moonlit swamp, a coffin where he was buried alive."- (quoted from UESP.net) The player would basically teleport between different modder created areas every night. I figure that instead of it changing randomly, the player should have to achieve a goal each night to wake up. The other idea would be a simple message upon waking, similar to the nightmares received upon becoming a vampire in Oblivion. There could be a large questline in which the player receives Vaermina's 'blessing' and can 'cure' themselves or keep the nightmares/dreams. Or the player could receive a nightcap or pajamas that teleport/give them dreams. I'd much prefer the huge questline, as I much enjoy writing.



If you plan on making one of these ideas, message me so I can elaborate


Thank you for reading


Nicodemus Amadeus

Edited by bulletking119
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I'm not sure you've ever played skyrim, there is a spell thats called raise dead, it makes any corpse you shoot a undead minion; npcs, sprigans, undead (yeah kill the undead and make them your undead), and such... theres several mods that extend the lifetime of undead to days... as mods that let you have as many summons or minions or followers as you like...
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I'm not sure you've ever played skyrim, there is a spell thats called raise dead, it makes any corpse you shoot a undead minion; npcs, sprigans, undead (yeah kill the undead and make them your undead), and such... theres several mods that extend the lifetime of undead to days... as mods that let you have as many summons or minions or followers as you like...


Yes I have played Skyrim as the first sentence clearly states. I was saying that I thought that was too weak and very boring. I just don't enjoy how little variation there is. You can only get spells that turn them into fighting slaves, and every "different" spell is just a stronger version of the last. The idea behind this is to make them into followers in a different way, rather than hiring them.

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