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Sex for the Player Character...


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Greensoda: How about adding Butch's mom to that list? :P

Well, I could see that happening with her kind of personality (also would be a great chance to implement some funny reactions from Stifler...ahem Butch) -but there really is no feasible situation where that could actually happen.


After all the PC only meets her that one time when he/she is supposed to be in a hurry to get out of the Vault (afaik she isn't there anymore when you return to vault 101 for the Amata quest).


Edit: Wait, I just checked it with the GECK -She actually *is* there when you return. Hmm so I guess that could actually work.

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once dialogue mod is active... hope to next level where it can engage on real sexual acts (no black fade :P ). Good luck for modders :)

Somewhat doubtful as this would mean creating new custom animations (*the* most difficult thing to do with the TECS/GECK -i think back in the Oblivion days there were only 3-4 modders who actually could do that) -not impossible, mind you (I think there was such a mod for Morrowind) but I'd be more than surprised to see such a mod, like...ever.


...besides (not that it would bother me that much, but) this would be rather explicit content you couldn't host on F3nexus.

FO2 like situations are basically enough for me. I'm a little ticked off that Bethesda simply choose to ignore this aspect of Fallout almost completely.

At some places in the game it looks like they tried (they even included a brothel -though you only realize that when you look through stuff with the GECK), but in the end didn't care enough to really implement it.


Besides, it makes no friggin' sense that everything is doom and gloom but post-apocalyptic whores, for some inconceivable reason now suddenly have high moral standards, refusing to sleep with you because "you are too young" (Nova after you used you Ladykiller Perk; ignoring the fact that the PC might already have bought her services before).

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It was like that in the original Fallout, to be fair. The rampant sex was pretty exclusive to Fallout 2.


I'd definitely like to see that ESP of yours, though. If you could send that to me that'd be great.


Not quite. There was that chick in Junktown, and you could hit on Tandi something fierce.

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