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Sex for the Player Character...


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Actually, the lover's resource doesn't conflict with it -- it was the original Saving Nova script that I was using before sinisterchipmunk released the all-purpose code. The new code doesn't conflict with anything, as far as I know.


Since I'm not very well-versed in scripts, I'm learning using pre-made stuff and trying to figure it out without all the guesswork that comes with repeatedly reading Oblivion's tutorials (they don't really help).


I am experimenting with your approach now, though; I'm trying to figure out which one is easier for me to implement.




It seems to be easier to go about the way you did it, but there are still some problems. The force start of the conversation is happening before the fade to black effect has a chance to work. What should I do about that?

Hmm you have to be careful with the sequence of ai packages you use. I, at first, encountered similar problems (F2B was still effective when the NPC force-talked me into a conversation, leaving the screen black for the whole post-sex-dialogue).


What I did was code the image-space-modifier that is responsible for the f2b effect in a way that it instantly turns the screen black (so it's not actually a fade but an instant effect -look at my cloned "FadeToBlackISFXCOPY0000" file for details) and when e.g. Nova initializes her post-sex-talk I remove the image-space-modifier-effect at once (by calling "RemoveImageSpaceModifier FadeToBlackISFXCOPY0000" just one line before I call "StartConversation, player, MegNovaXYZTopic") so the post-sex-conversation happens with full visuals.


So, schematically, I use this kind of sequence:

Pre-Sex-Talk -> Ai Package 1 (go to bed; f2b; show msg) -> Ai Package 2 (go back to the xmarker; remove f2b; force talk PC) -> post-sex-talk

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JESS!! I have cried my eyes out since I found, there wasn´t proper sex theme in Fallout 3 :wallbash:


I will always remember old times, when I played Arcanum and went to one of the big cities (don´t remember which one). Went to local cathouse (of course) with my female character and heard there was A LAMB :ohmy:


Well, of course I rented it and madame said that am I sure, because, you see, I was female and lamb was female, so madame didn´t understand what I get out of it ;)

I laughed so hard and long that I crapped my pants!


You guys have exellent ideas, I hope you manage to put EVERYTHING in the game! Fallout 2 had very good selection of choices in it, but once, just once, I would like to see a game, that has all in it. This aspect could be good place to start, because you guys are working hard on it :thanks:


Blank screen and other protective actions are good ideas, but I´d like to have a POSSIBILITY to insert a videoclip and naughty language instead of blank screen, to complete the illusion, you know... :thanks:

Oh btw, interview males and females to get most realistic outcome, will ya. Pleaze... :whistling:

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Hey guys! Thanks for all the work you're doing on bringing the proper fallout attitude to this game. Anyway here is my thought. All the characters have some kind of script to go to bed (for sleep mostly) such as what Nova does when you rent the room. Is there a possibility or a ready made script in the game that removes clothes (armor) for a while - like the way the Blades at Cloud Ruler Temple (Oblivion) were removing their armor / put other clothes whenever they go to rest? So everytime after the sex initiation dialog the character could go to the nearest/assigned bed and undress before the the fade to black occurs, combine that with a nude mod removing underwear and u get really close to a sex mod.
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Hey guys! Thanks for all the work you're doing on bringing the proper fallout attitude to this game. Anyway here is my thought. All the characters have some kind of script to go to bed (for sleep mostly) such as what Nova does when you rent the room. Is there a possibility or a ready made script in the game that removes clothes (armor) for a while - like the way the Blades at Cloud Ruler Temple (Oblivion) were removing their armor / put other clothes whenever they go to rest? So everytime after the sex initiation dialog the character could go to the nearest/assigned bed and undress before the the fade to black occurs, combine that with a nude mod removing underwear and u get really close to a sex mod.

Yeah sure...that's how I coded it in my (unreleased) mod. E.g. Nova would undress after the PC is done with his pre-sex-talk. (So if you got a nude mod installed she'd be naked for the actual sex/fade to black).

She puts her clothes back on at the end of the post-sex-dialogue, shortly before she leaves the room and heads back downstairs.


...this effect is rather easy to implement, too (simply call the "unequip WornItem 1 1" function during the appropriate time while in dialog -or you could attach it to an ai-package or whatever.

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Hey guys! Thanks for all the work you're doing on bringing the proper fallout attitude to this game. Anyway here is my thought. All the characters have some kind of script to go to bed (for sleep mostly) such as what Nova does when you rent the room. Is there a possibility or a ready made script in the game that removes clothes (armor) for a while - like the way the Blades at Cloud Ruler Temple (Oblivion) were removing their armor / put other clothes whenever they go to rest? So everytime after the sex initiation dialog the character could go to the nearest/assigned bed and undress before the the fade to black occurs, combine that with a nude mod removing underwear and u get really close to a sex mod.

Yeah sure...that's how I coded it in my (unreleased) mod. E.g. Nova would undress after the PC is done with his pre-sex-talk. (So if you got a nude mod installed she'd be naked for the actual sex/fade to black).

She puts her clothes back on at the end of the post-sex-dialogue, shortly before she leaves the room and heads back downstairs.


...this effect is rather easy to implement, too (simply call the "unequip WornItem 1 1" function during the appropriate time while in dialog -or you could attach it to an ai-package or whatever.


Can I see this mod, please?

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:biggrin: I tried these Mod_and_Armor_Shop_V3-1369.rar armour with my male character and I must say, that this is also great transgender and transvestite mod, for those, who likes them mods.

I got some laughs out of it, although there was minor graphic errors in it. And where were my characters "you know what"!?!

Keep up the good work!

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I guess Amata might be another possible option -at least I could see it happen near the end of that one quest where you return to Vault 101.


Since you'll never get to return and see her and the fruits of your union after that anyway, and since, you know, the vault needs a bigger population and all... you should add a perk after that called "You're a Daddy!"

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No freaking kidding. To pay for it then all she does is lay down and go to sleep? Makes you want to shoot up the whole town and to heck with bad karma. Disrobe, lay down in bed, hump... the animation shouldn't be that tough.


It isnt too hard. I uhh worked on some rather crude games in the past. Contract work ftw, but I still put every ounce of my skill into it, damn it!


Lets just say you guys arent alone in your quest for more AO content. its a HUGE silent majority

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