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Sex for the Player Character...


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NightShade is right damn it!!


Anyway the point is a sex mod is not complete tell we see some humping!

first you need a nude mod for men and women.

(women nudes are here, but I hear a man one is on the way by AlienSlof.)


Then we need humping animations, bla bla bla, you get the "drill"


And whats there to be scared of!!

Everyone here has seen a porno!!

So give the masses what they want and we will reward you with love, 10/10s and Kudos up you sex mod.... i mean ass....

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I reccomend looking into the mod "Watch you sleep" for Oblivion. It allows the player to actually get INTO a bed, instead of the screen going dark and waiting out the timer. Something to work with there as for as *ahem* in game scene work goes.


I had been wondering about that myself. It would be cool to get into a bed when activated, much like sitting in a chair, and then using the wait key to actually sleep if you want. It would also facilitate the post-sex pillow talk...


Oh and lostami, you should have no reason to doubt whether there will be sex mods for Fallout; they will be made, perhaps even more elaborate than what we've seen for Oblivion, it's only a question of time. ;)

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I'm all for a little deviant sex action, especially with slaves. In addition to actually having the characters lay in a bed after removing their clothes, we could have (after the game resumes normal play) the slaves laying there crying quietly.



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It'd really be elementary to script a generic fade-out that could be matched with any NPC's additional comments. Cutthroats Partners for Morrowind did this with an actually pretty graphic sound byte of loud slapping and savage moaning, and the scripting language and directory structure aren't so different now. Even without the sound, you wouldn't need animations if you're just going to fade out, simply drop both actors at the time of fade out, and on fade in allow both to rise, and you can pretty much fill in the blanks with your own imagination.
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I'm all for a little deviant sex action, especially with slaves. In addition to actually having the characters lay in a bed after removing their clothes, we could have (after the game resumes normal play) the slaves laying there crying quietly.




Umm thats over the top... I do not believe that needs including and I hope most of you agree that is a sick way to look at this mod...

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I'm all for a little deviant sex action, especially with slaves. In addition to actually having the characters lay in a bed after removing their clothes, we could have (after the game resumes normal play) the slaves laying there crying quietly.




Umm thats over the top... I do not believe that needs including and I hope most of you agree that is a sick way to look at this mod...


I hope what he meant is that it would be kinda funny as In Bloodhound gangs "A lap dance is so much better when the stripper is crying" kind of thing. At least I hope so.


I'm not condoning rape by any means but If your visiting a brothel that is using slaves then yes an after action cry could be included. Or in lostami's case maybe she was crying because the sex was so bad. The wastelands are a much harsher place to live.


While writing this I started thinking about it and You know once all the related NPC's are set up maybe they should do a check on the PCs stats. Maybe Moira needs a high science skill for her to be attracted to the PC. Or Needs high Str and A certain amount of caps. If it's gonna be done I think it needs to be done so that it has some resemblance to reality. (yes this is a game) Something that makes it a little more challenging.


That's just an overview. What I would really like to see is in depth relationships. Not romantic just the way the PC is "viewed" by the NPC. Lets take Moira as an example. She is gonna check really high and it will be impossible to score with her if you haven't done anything for her. If you lie during any of the quests She "senses" that and you get a penalty. If you have Lady Killer you get a % chance that the dialog will even come up. If you have science over 25 you get a bigger % over 50 even more. You get the Idea. Still it will be very hard to do anything with her. Now Once you complete portions of her quests you get even "relationship bonuses."


So lets say Moria's base starts at 100. If your using the d20 system then there is no way for the dialog to even show up. But once you complete the first quest you get 5% if you finish the whole series then you get 50% If you have science over 50% you get 25% at 75 science you get an additional 10% Lady Killer adds 10% Now we are pretty sure the dialog option will pop up mist the time.


I'm not saying all of them should be so hard maybe some situations just have preferred stats. While One NPC likes STR and END so if your naturally 8 in both your in. OR if you have Lady killer its 7.


I'd just rather it be a challenge rather than every NPC wanting to sleep with the PC

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