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Sex for the Player Character...


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Also if you release prematurely you'll be laughed at (I wouldn't know about being laughed at of course). So better take your time and make sure the users are fully satisfied and are immediately demanding for more, even when you'd just want to sleep and recover.
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  • 2 weeks later...
i was dissapointed too.


so i pick up the lady killer perk coz i wanna be fly with they chicks yea, and so im mackin on this emo hoe from big town, things are goin smooth and shes all like "you should totally stop by later" and i was all like "aite baby gurl" so i drob by her crib later that night and shes all i got somthing for ya daddy, and i was like "i like wurr this is going shorty." and she hands me this stimpac and says she found it on on patrol.......


and then i was like omg wtf epic fail :wallbash:


Haha now thats funny! But yeah I do agree

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I think a decent solution, for now, would be to have the NPC follow you into a room. The NPC wouldn't lie down, they would simply stand near the bed (or strip, as in the exotic dancer mod). When both the player and the NPC are in the room, the screen fades to black and the game moves forward an hour. Sounds could play and the dialogue could be modified, if you want to get fancy.


It wouldn't be a significant change, at least in terms of modification, but I think it'd be miles above having the girl lie down in the bed and go to sleep. I don't think the game needs porn, but it's just strange to see the almost complete lack of sexual content. And it's even stranger to pay a hundred something caps to have a girl go to sleep in your room. I mean, what the hell is that?


Either way, I think someone should copy and paste some prostitutes into other cities as well. They were fairly common in the other games, and I imagine they would be in a world like that.



EDIT: Oh, and while we're on the subject, how can Bittercup not sleep with you? She screws every other guy in camp but she gives me shotgun shells? Come on!

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Took me a while to read through all the posts here, kudos to those going forth with the effort to actually make this since I get lost as hell looking at the geck, and yes we should have a furry mod since some people are into that, maybe softcore and hardcore furry mods instead of just one. If you don't get what I mean, softcore is having paws, ears, tail and such but human skin and "other" features, while hardcore would basically be an animal with a human form, fur and all. And there NEEDS to be a pedobear costume in the game, I'm not saying a pedo mod should be made but it would be funny as hell walking up to a girl in a giant bear suit. Also you guys are taking this into a lot more detial then I had considered ><
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This is a *bump* support this idea post. Who's going to be the brave mod to do this? :thumbsup:

If it's been done for Oblivion....


You mean morrowind?

I missed a lot of morrowind's armor and weapon designs in oblivion when I first played it...speaking of, would it be possible to mod over some of the armor and swords from oblivion into fallout? I know this is off topic but I think it'd be cool to be walking around in madness armor in the wasteland ><

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