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Sex for the Player Character...


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this would be great, they could even port the oblivion mod with the woman you pay and then she lays on the bed and does some finger loving,lol, made me giggle a few times.
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Well considering its very likely there will eventually be a CS and if there is, it will be almost certain there will at least be several sex mods, I just hope they will be more varied than say like the oblivion or maybe morrowind one where only women can use their bodies to bribe guards. I guess what I would prefer would be a mod to cater to both straight and gay characters.
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yahthe game definately needs sex.. ooh and vd's which would then need the much missed groin target from fo 2 :) you got the clap ther or that super mutie kick you in the nads buddy? bwahahaha


hmm no seriously that would be awesome as your walking around town hearing the locals mutter under there breath bout the rash you gave them ,or your promiscious(sp?) reputation could add some nice flavored roleplay interactions to spice up interactions ...

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I agree on this one - not necessarily much graphically as there are kids playing the game - but altho I've never played FO2, the way it's handled in that sounds ideal (ie. indirect / humorous references).


There is also scope for making it relevant to gameplay - ie. you either have to pay or have pretty fantastic speech etc. stats to be able to initiate it so there's ultimately a hefty cost either way - and then you get a benefit for maybe 24 hours gametime afterwards - ie. such as extra strength and/or improved perception and/or improved accuracy - or perhaps go in another direction altogether and have quite significantly boosted speech and perception but REDUCED strength. lots of scope for possibilities IMO...

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Well considering its very likely there will eventually be a CS and if there is, it will be almost certain there will at least be several sex mods, I just hope they will be more varied than say like the oblivion or maybe morrowind one where only women can use their bodies to bribe guards. I guess what I would prefer would be a mod to cater to both straight and gay characters.


I disagree.


There should be a mod for straights, one for lesbians, and one for gay men. (I'm saying this because I don't want to accidentally start an affair with another man by making a mistake in the response options, got no problems other than that) Run all 3 at once and you got bisexuality.


Either that, or you get to choose sexuality at the beginning. I just hope this mods are set up so that you can't be accidentally gay.

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Well considering its very likely there will eventually be a CS and if there is, it will be almost certain there will at least be several sex mods, I just hope they will be more varied than say like the oblivion or maybe morrowind one where only women can use their bodies to bribe guards. I guess what I would prefer would be a mod to cater to both straight and gay characters.


I disagree.


There should be a mod for straights, one for lesbians, and one for gay men. (I'm saying this because I don't want to accidentally start an affair with another man by making a mistake in the response options, got no problems other than that) Run all 3 at once and you got bisexuality.


Either that, or you get to choose sexuality at the beginning. I just hope this mods are set up so that you can't be accidentally gay.


Understandable I guess, but I doubt you will have such a problem, straight mods are WAY more prolific than ones that allow gay sex, I just hope there is at least one mod that will cater to people of different sexualities, I don't know much about modding so I don't know what it would take to make it graphic but I think something similar to the Oblivion guard sex mod would be best for prostitution except that mod is only for women.

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I must admit...I had high hopes for FO3...but bethesda has made a game that is great for gore and violence, but sexually a huge dud.

I like another poster thought that in the post apocolyptic world, sex would be used as a big currency, a way to get information, hell even as a recreation.

Instead...there is only one prostitute in the entire game, and she doesn't even earn her money. Even with the ladykiller perk, you do not get any other real options...and the few female characters that do...do nothing during or after the conversation.

A mod for this definitely needs to be made...Hell I would pay someone to make this mod because the game has disappointed me with the vast amount of bugs and blatant mistakes. Hell FO 2 had A TRUCK LOAD of bugs and mistakes...but it was enjoyable and had much more realism then FO 3. I would hope someone could get in there and at least make an effort on this.

My gratitude would be eternal.

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i was dissapointed too.


so i pick up the lady killer perk coz i wanna be fly with they chicks yea, and so im mackin on this emo hoe from big town, things are goin smooth and shes all like "you should totally stop by later" and i was all like "aite baby gurl" so i drob by her crib later that night and shes all i got somthing for ya daddy, and i was like "i like wurr this is going shorty." and she hands me this stimpac and says she found it on on patrol.......


and then i was like omg wtf epic fail :wallbash:




HEHE, couldn't stop but picture my girlfriend, in underwear, handing me bandaids... hehe really weird...

Thats what happens when you have perverts making a game... guys at Bethesda must have some pretty messed up sexuality....to think of stimpacks.. freaks...hehe

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