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Sex for the Player Character...


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US games generally suffer from a lack of sexual content. It's because US censors would be very strict on any game that depicted sex scenes, or even sexual language for that matter. Must be because of that, as European games are more explicit on these topics.


I remember German RPG "Gothic II", where taking a women at the angel house resulted in an actual ingame cut scene of your guy going at it. Of course, ingame graphics in a 2002 3D roleplay game assured you couldn't really see much anyway. ;)

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I agree on this one - not necessarily much graphically as there are kids playing the game - but altho I've never played FO2, the way it's handled in that sounds ideal (ie. indirect / humorous references).


Fallout 2 didn't just allow players to indulge in their "carnal" desires, it actually sort of encouraged it by rewarding the player with special perks the more people and the more times you managed to shag:


I believe Sexpert was earned by just going straight while Gigolo was only achievable through bisexual behaviour (including being a supermutants bunk buddy). :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

Baelkin: Actually you could get the gigolo perk be being indiscriminate who you slept with. Like if your a guy sleeping with the uglier prostitutes in Klamath. Think it was even eaier to get as a female as they had more sex possibilities.


Darkwolf Jr: Didn't know about the trappers giving gecko skins... might nee to play F2 again...

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The PC really needs to get laid... come on, everyone else is, just listen to the NPC's talk... I'm not asking for porn, just something more blatant then the hooker going to sleep in the bed, or having to fill in all the blanks with my imagination... all I'm asking for is a fade to black and maybe some sex noises or something...


Seduction options should lead to more then NPC's just giving you information or whatever and it unrealistic and ruins my immersion in the game that this was left out... maybe the character would need to have certain charisma or something... but it is only realistic that in the post apocalyptic wastes that sex should be currency you can use for information, for caps as even as a reward for saving the day... I'm not asking for porn, just something more blatant then the hooker going to sleep in the bed, or having to fill in all the blanks with my imagination


Like I said in another post, it really made me angry to pay for Nova, then have her just go to sleep in my bed! I don't think the Post-Apocalyptic Hookers Union would consider that the way to generate "satisfied customers"!


I'd have been perfectly happy with a fade to black and a "wow, you were great" or "gee, that was quick" dialog depending on Charisma/Endurance.


And what if my female PC wants to earn some extra cash working for Morriarty?


Also, what the heck is the point of Black Widow/Lady Killer (besides the damage bonuses) if you can't actually seduce someone?! Black Isle managed that in 1998... :confused:


Actually you can seduce Mr. Burke with Black Widow, and if you go to Moriarty's throughout the game, Moriarty will give you love letters that Burke dropped off when you weren't there.

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Actually you can seduce Mr. Burke with Black Widow, and if you go to Moriarty's throughout the game, Moriarty will give you love letters that Burke dropped off when you weren't there.


Yea that works, unless you killed Moriarty... and Mr. Burke, but anyway letters need to lead somewhere.

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Haha this thread is awsome.


I can just imagin having a mod like they have in the sims, the rooster mod. You'd click on the rooster's general area and you'd get a list of options for things like, showing/not showing, big/small, straight/bent.... I guess you get the picture. But it just struck me funny to see my guy walking around with his little friend sticking out for absolutly no reason.


But back to topic, I do think a sex mod would be cool. To my mind, one thing you could do is just make it so that when you wake up, ur girl is laying naked on the bed next to you. something like that would at least imply that you just had sex. And maybe it could add a little health bonus or something that would wear off after a while.

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Hm... going for realism, if you're a female character, could someone make a mod that gets you pregnant, then lets you have a kid?


With extensive scripting, and FOSE, there really isnt any reason not to have this.


Better keep the brat safe - a raider might take its head off!

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