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Custom Soldier Ability Trees


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I have a bad news. I think this is not where the magic happens. I changed the code to:

maxActions = 2;
// End:0x48 Loop:False
if(m_iFireActionsPerformed == 1 && (GetSoldierClass() != 2))
	currentActionsUsed = m_iMovesActionsPerformed;
// End:0x5b
	currentActionsUsed = m_iMovesActionsPerformed;
return Max(0, maxActions - currentActionsUsed);


But isn't working.

I mean, think it consequently. If the actor performed a shot and it's not class=2, then all of the action points used, cause, currentActionsUsed=maxActions and in the return, maxActions -currentActionsUsed (what is equal to maxActions) it will return 0, and that say, you have 0 action remaning, in the else section, currentActionsUsed will be equal to m_iMovesActionsPerformed who's value i think is 1, and then the return part will be 1.

So what did i do? is simple: copy the else part to the if part, and nobody care what the if says, because it will do the same thing, it will return with number 1.

If i wrong somewhere, please correct me.

By the way in the game, it's not working ... i dont know why ... i think it's the same magic, as the constants in the XGTacticalGameCoreNativeBase dosent do anything.


You did give your non-heavies the Bullet Swarm perk right ? Modding this code would remove the impossibility for non-heavies to fire twice, not actually give them the ability to do it.

I think your mod to the code is good and should do the trick.y



Well, actually not :) I didn't think its just remove the impossibility for non-heavies to fire twice. I tought it will give the ability to everyone to fire twice :D


By the way, here is the hex code and here is it what need to modify


F4 B3 00 00 32 55 00 00 00 00 00 00 DC B3 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

00 00 DF B3 00 00 00 00 00 00 18 1B 00 00 80 56 03 00 7E 00 00 00

5A 00 00 00 0F 00 DE B3 00 00 2C 04 07 48 00 82 9A 01 B1 30 00 00

26 16 18 13 00 9B 38 3A 1B 9F 34 00 00 00 00 00 00 16 38 3A 24 02

16 16 0F 00 DD B3 00 00 00 DE B3 00 00 06 5B 00 0F 00 DD B3 00 00

01 B4 30 00 00 04 FA 25 93 00 DE B3 00 00 00 DD B3 00 00 16 16 04

3A DF B3 00 00 53 00 00 00 02 01 02 00 59 34 00 00 00 00 00 00


that DEB3 need to modify to B430 that will make the cange.

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Perk Visual Editor


Still under construction, not sure if it is useful, it will generate a text with HEX lines in pairs, the first one is the default perk and the following is the change needed for the new perk. Some sort of HEX search & replace script will be needed (will work on it afterwards) what I need to know if it is worth changing the HEX values in the uncompressed UPK XComGame file directly.


Very nice! this looks incredibly useful.


Just something to be aware of when entering the HEX codes for the 'generate mod' feature. Every ability hex ends in 06 EXCEPT for the last one, which ends in 04. If you want to enter an ability that ends in 04 somewhere else in the hex (somewhere before the end) then you must change that last hex to an 06.



Resilience = 2C 2B 04, but if you wanted to replace say, Run and Gun with Resilience, you need to use 2C 2B 06 because you're changing Resilience from the LAST ability into the FIRST or 'NOT-LAST' ability.

On the flip side, Run and Gun = 2C 06 06. If you want to replace Resilience with Run and Gun, you need to enter 2C 06 04 because you're changing Run'N'Gun into the LAST ability in the tree.


So in summary, we'd probably be better served only changing the MIDDLE hex and not the 2C or the 06 & 04 because the middle hex is the only one that actually defines the ability. The two surrounding hexes just define its position in the tree and other non-ability things too.


If that 04 is in the wrong part of the hex, then the game will crash on startup.


Keep up the good work with the perk editor! This will make everyone's lives much easier I think.

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You did give your non-heavies the Bullet Swarm perk right ? Modding this code would remove the impossibility for non-heavies to fire twice, not actually give them the ability to do it.

I think your mod to the code is good and should do the trick.y



Well, actually not :) I didn't think its just remove the impossibility for non-heavies to fire twice. I tought it will give the ability to everyone to fire twice :D


By the way, here is the hex code and here is it what need to modify


F4 B3 00 00 32 55 00 00 00 00 00 00 DC B3 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

00 00 DF B3 00 00 00 00 00 00 18 1B 00 00 80 56 03 00 7E 00 00 00

5A 00 00 00 0F 00 DE B3 00 00 2C 04 07 48 00 82 9A 01 B1 30 00 00

26 16 18 13 00 9B 38 3A 1B 9F 34 00 00 00 00 00 00 16 38 3A 24 02

16 16 0F 00 DD B3 00 00 00 DE B3 00 00 06 5B 00 0F 00 DD B3 00 00

01 B4 30 00 00 04 FA 25 93 00 DE B3 00 00 00 DD B3 00 00 16 16 04

3A DF B3 00 00 53 00 00 00 02 01 02 00 59 34 00 00 00 00 00 00


that DEB3 need to modify to B430 that will make the cange.


Tried that, and it doesn't work.


I then also took another step and changed the 07 to 06, which removes "if." From my understanding, it should force the game to completely skip the first block (if not downright break all this code):


simulated function int GetRemainingActions()
local int maxActions, currentActionsUsed;

maxActions = 2;
// This is an implied JumpToken;
goto J0x48;
m_iFireActionsPerformed == 1 && (GetSoldierClass() != 2);
currentActionsUsed = m_iMovesActionsPerformed;
// This is an implied JumpToken;
goto J0x5b;

currentActionsUsed = m_iMovesActionsPerformed;

return Max(0, maxActions - currentActionsUsed);


No change. I'm starting to get the feeling that this specific block is going to turn up a red herring :/

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Just something to be aware of when entering the HEX codes for the 'generate mod' feature. Every ability hex ends in 06 EXCEPT for the last one, which ends in 04. If you want to enter an ability that ends in 04 somewhere else in the hex (somewhere before the end) then you must change that last hex to an 06.


Understood, I have added a check so that it changes the value depending on the position.

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Regarding the Sniper squaddie/corporal perks, I like Snap Shot vs Headshot best personally.

I think most of graaa's class changes make a lot of sense and should be a lot of fun.

I thought the same thing. The Snap Shot vs Headshot choice would end up being clutch for the more mobile, mid-range/long-range sniper builds.

Since this is an area that will likely be explored a lot by modders in the future, I suggest we make a wiki page for it like has been done for defaultgamecore.ini here. It'll be shorter and easier to do, I can do it if people are interested (the .ini page does not seem to be used that much :confused: )

Emphasis on "used" - do you mean "edit"? or "use"?

Because I use the .ini page quite a bit during my testing. though I didn't find anything to add just yet.

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Keep the ideas coming!


I have this idea, but haven't yet dug into the upks or hex stuff. The fever is growing, now that I have stumbled on this idea. It hopes to keep the angry spirit of the Assault class alive, while providing tactical possibilities for each style of character through its builds. Part of this thinking came upon me while trying to envision why the developers didn't offer Run n Gun at higher level to make it scale more into the strength of the class, moving twice and killing stuff during the enemy turn or on your own. Reason is, putting Will to Survive on the first rank and Run n Gun at the 6th makes the class have quite a long time to wait until it can even do its schtick much better than a Rookie. That ability alone MAKES the Assault class what it is. This fact means I couldn't make it 6th rank in good conscience on this particular iteration of the Assault class.


I call it, the Zealot:



"Do I like my job? I stare aliens in their beady eyes and blast them off their face; I love my job."


This class excels at mobile tactical exploitation of an enemy position. Their ability to move as far as other units and accurately attack on the way makes them vital to missions where enemies have holed up in a protected position and need ..removal. Early in the Zealot's training program are learning different approaches to the art that killing close range can be.



Rank 1: Run n' Gun (the basis for the class)

Rank 2: Will to Survive || Close and Personal (choose between lessened damage for smart positioning, and huge crits on adjacent/nearby targets)

Rank 3: Tactical Sense || Lightning Reflexes (choose between bonus to defense against crowds cover or not but really nice with cover, or take risks and avoid a reaction shot to get in close and hope to pick them off)

Rank 4: Aggression || Killer Instinct (choose between extra crit against crowds, or massive extra crit on when using run n' gun - either way you are going to have the highest chance to hit of all the non-snipers on the team at this point so making crits better at this point is nice)

Rank 5: Extra Conditioning || Resilience (you need the survivability at this point; choose between the overall HP boost for your tanks, or critical hits immunity - until now the class is a bit squishy without a Support on the team at all times)

Rank 6: Flush (the best assault guys can push in, hit fast or hard, and run your unit into a hail of gunfire from his protected buddies - the ability is a must have for the class imho but it gets overshadowed by the also-pivotal Rapid Fire)

Rank 7: Close Combat Specialist || Rapid Fire (speaking of, this competes much better with Close Combat Specialist imho - reaction without overwatch or double attack are both amazing game changers, but late game, since Chryssalids are mid game and get easy too quickly due to CCS being 5th rank)


Whaddya think?

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Ok, so I now need a replacement for the Suppression perks on the Heavy and Support as I've given these to every soldier with a rifle or LMG, any suggestions.


What I currently have



Tier 5: Rifle Suppression OR Sentinel



Tier 2: Suppression OR Bullet Swarm

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Ok, so I now need a replacement for the Suppression perks on the Heavy and Support as I've given these to every soldier with a rifle or LMG, any suggestions.


What I currently have



Tier 5: Rifle Suppression OR Sentinel



Tier 2: Suppression OR Bullet Swarm


Can't say much without knowing what the rest of your ability trees look like...

For your support, how about opportunist ? That's two reaction shots or one with a higher chance to hit and crit. Looks like a fair choice.

For the heavy, there's not many abilities that would divert me from bullet swarm. I don't know how to make this tier a choice without giving the heavy too much power...

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