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Quest Help


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Hello, so i am making my first quest using the Bethesda Tutorial ( http://www.creationkit.com/Bethesda_Tutorial_Planning_the_Quest ) and seem to run into a wall, for some reason i am unable to hand in the quest object i created it just wont activate when i click my created actor, i have cheacked in game and quest is set to the right stage of 30 witch is me having the item, also my final dialogue script is set to getowningquest().setstage(40) witch should activate the stage but nothing happens when i click on the npc he just keeps saying a hello dialogue i gave him to say at stage 20-30.

I have gone over my work many times to compare it with the tutorial and it seems to be the exact same, if some one can help it would be much appreciated.


also this is the script i have applied to stage 40 witch should give the amulet to my npc.






Game.GetPlayer().AddItem(Gold001, Alias_Amulet.GetReference().GetGoldValue() * 2)

Edited by tricksssss
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