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Hello all! im new to this forum and i have an little request for a mod, well as the topic states im looking for some kind of mod wich gives the player the chance to recruit mercenaries.

I have been looking around both here on the forum and on the Nexus mod download page for this kind of mod but the only ones i find are with just a certain number of mercernaries for hire (12 was the highest number of mercs you could hire) and i tried some of them but some companion mods seems a bit to good in fights and if they die they wont be coming back, im looking for mercs which are just deadbeats or meatwalls who gets killed for nothing but just give ye enough support to make the player survive a minor/bigger battle, both Fallout 3 and skyrim has this kind of mods where ye talk to an npc and chose to hire mercenaries for a certain amount of gold/caps and the mercs seems to be generated randomly? (i am not a modder meself nor do i understand anything of it either) but is this possible to do?

they dont need any kind of dialogs or anything just random mercs with not so good armours/weapons and only kill or get killed for me like i did once in skyrim hiring 30 deadbeat mercs and attacked some giants and there flew mercs everywhere but still i survived the battle and all.

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