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Armor Rating Bug?


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Ok. So, this is a bit of a weird one, and it's giving me a little headache. When I put on a full set of Deathbrand armor and get the +100 bonus to Armor, it comes out to be 847 total armor. Break down is as such


Armor 275

Boots 110

Gauntlets 110

Helm 128


623 total + 100 bonus for wearing all pieces , 723, and you might see where I am going. 723 isn't 847, so something is giving me 124 more armor, no idea what. But it has to be the armor. I put on another set of armor with the following stats..


Armor 290

Boots 133

Gauntlets 115

Helm 133


Total 671 , which is spot on with what I am seeing in my inventory screen. So even if I added 100 so we can compare apples to apples, that's 771 which would make it better than Deathbrand, slightly. But what ever it is, as I didn't change anything else, left all the rings, weapons, circlets, etc untouched, just took off Deathbrand and put on the new set of armor, it's apart of the Deathbrand set. Is there a bug in the Deathbrand armor that gives you more armor than the devs intended or something else?

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