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Innocence Lost for Good Guys


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For someone who tries to play the good guy, it kind of puts me off that you have to physically kill an old lady to get better treatment for those poor orphans. So I thought that this might be an easier way. I figure that there should be an extra dialog option when confronting Grelod... an intimidation option. If the player chooses the intimidation option, Grelod, despite her bravado, gets genuinely intimidated and collapses dead of a heart attack. (She is old, after all.) Now, the rumors of Grelod's "slaughter" afterwards can remain (since Nords have a tendancy to exaggerate everything) and it gets the attention of the Dark Brotherhood. It would be even better if when the player gets kidnapped by Astrid and she says that half of Skyrim knows of Grelod's "murder", the player could get an option to point out that she actually died of a heart attack, and Astrid dismisses it, pointing out that whether by weapon or by scaring her to death, the player still caused her death.
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When I opened this I was going to just say "darkbrotherhood dont take good guys", you made it sound like being good, but good guys dont scare old ladies to death.


Still would like an option to scare the old bat into the grave though, you can rp it as being good, and I can rp it as being a truely evil amateur assassin.


Stick some thing linked to intimidate perk into grela's dialog stuff, script it to kill her afterwards... done.


I'll get around to trying to do it if someone doesnt beat me to it.


Dont have voice acting for any of the lines she'd say in response to whatever, oh well could hack up a speech segment and make it a short studdering of something or whatever... bam dead quest complete.

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i got someting about this idea. add new dialog wich causes come of another assas:

Grelod, Arventino asking your death . You must be carefull.

Grelod:Are you going to teach my job to me? get out of my orphant.

after this dialog Dark Brother Hood assassian enters to orphant and uses poison wich paralysing us for long time and she kills grelod front of our eyes and brings us to that locked house :D

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When I opened this I was going to just say "darkbrotherhood dont take good guys", you made it sound like being good, but good guys dont scare old ladies to death.


Well, the idea is that good guys don't scare old ladies to death, on purpose. The idea was for it to be accidental.

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