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Need help getting CBBE v3 working


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Alright, I have now spent an entire day trying combinations of different mods going back and forth, installing/uninstalling, trying to get cbbev3 to work.


Playing with the Steam Version > Hearthfire > Skyrim High Resolution Texture Pack (I also have one called "The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim japanese Hearthfire - Dont know how this got there)


I went and downloaded NMM.


Downloaded CBBEv3 using NMM


Used NMM to "activate" the mod


CBBE window pops up allows me to pick a body type, I pick curvy.


Launch game - everyone looks the same still.


Please help!

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from my understanding it is a female body replacer replacing all female meshes not just the player. I do believe I read this somewhere as well.



Oh yea here it is, straight from the ccbe mod page


"Q2: Does this affect NPCs?

A: It's a female body mod. Of course it does."


So.. back to my OP, thanks.

Edited by fabes253
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