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A mask mode, that makes a different person.


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Hello, I was wondering if it was possible to make a mode, that would add a mask, or even better, let you enhance an item, that when you wear it, you become another person. Well, I got this idea, when I was a thane, a well know dragon born and all that good stuff, and I wanted to have a "secret" life, by been a secretly psychopath murderer, while pretending to be good just for the power. So what I think, is that when you wear that mask, you get to pick a second "nickname", and every action you do with that mask, i.e. getting bounty, will be stored on that mask. So when you wear it, you have bounty, and when you don't, you are the all loving dragonborn. Pretty much like the Grey Fox's mask in oblivion. I hope someone finds this mode idea interesting, and wants to work on it. Let me know what you think :)
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