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Longbows request


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To my knowledge there are none on nexus, however...

I would try Skyre (Skyrim Redone) it won't change bows visually...

but it adds longbows / shortbows with vastly different play styles


Good luck!

I've used that mod before, it's pretty decent. I'd second that recommendation.

There's also ACE - Athyra's Comprehensive Enhancements mod that splits long & light bows and their respective arrows, and also gives every combat, magic, enchanting, speech, smithing & armor skill tree a full once-over. There's an option to add what you want without changing the other skill trees, also.


Also, as an added bonus, there's a quest and/or weapon mod called "Much Ado About Snow Elves" that adds Ancient Falmer arrows that look HUGE in 1st person. But since they're not vanilla arrows, they don't "mesh" well with the ACE mod (don't know about SkyRe, though), meaning if using a longbow the damage bonus doesn't apply and arrows do default damage (but default damage is still decent), but there's zero conflict (that I've experienced thus far) with using the two mods together.

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