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[MOD Request] Increase level cap


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  • 1 year later...

I'm a few years late to the party, but I'm looking for the same thing... At least going by achievements, I'm only 35% through the game (I know, it's really more than that, but I still have a long way to go, and have only done one of the DLCs), and I've already maxed out at Level 36. Halting progress half-way through the game is pretty frustrating!


I guess I shouldn't have taken Nyoka with me while exploring Eridanos. All of those double-XP location discoveries really added up quickly (and the DLC's main quests give waaaay too much experience, too).

Edited by gungfujoe
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I really wish I could figure it out but it's not possible now. I think it's in the exe or something, I just cannot find it in the editable files. The XP tables are accessible but simply adding higher levels didn't do it so it must be capped elsewhere. However, the XP tables should change if I edit them so it would be possible to decrease the amount of XP you get from various things. And/or increase the amount required to level up so you reach max level further into the game.

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