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Questions regarding magic scaling


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Hey guys!


I'm trying to make my own magic scaling mod but things aren't going well for me.. So I have a couple of questions:

  1. How to change how a skill level (like destruction) affects the cost of a destruction spell? and how to change that to also affect the magnitude of destruction spells?
  2. How to change dual casting values? So that I can make it 2.5x magnitude for 2.5x cost instead of the current values..
  3. How to change the maximum fortify destruction (spell cost reduction) you can enchant on an item to 20% instead of the current 25%? To prevent reducing the cost of spells by 100%
  4. How to change destruction impact perk chance to x% instead of 100%?

If any of those questions was answered in a previous topic please reference that topic for me






After more search I found that some of the things I wanted to do were in game settings.


The cost decrease per level is under:

fMagicCasterPCSkillCostBase 0.002500

And dual casting values under:

fMagicDualCastingCostMult 2.800000

fMagicDualCastingEffectivenessBase 2.200000

Edited by Oulay
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