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[LE] Number Display


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i want to Edit my old Worker Empire Builder for Braverock and create new Version in Sausan


But here i have some problems... Sausan is not Using Septims but ChipCoins

ChipCoins are in ChipBank and You can pay only using Credit Cards - no money in inventory



Rigth now player can use his Computer to see his money in Bank... *Yes it works on MessageBoxes*

but for Worker Empire Builder in Sausan i want to create some Number Displayers


1 -> Shows How much Your company is worth *You can sell Your company to get Prestige Points*

2 -> Shows How much Your company have money

3 -> Shows How much money You lose / week to pay Your workers etc.

4 -> Shows How much money You earn / week


I want big Screen in BOSS Office... where You will have those 4 numbers updated at least once per 5 sec



Any1 know how i can do something like this?...

i know i can do something like:





etc. its actually pretty easy but...

well... 10 values * 14 digits * 4 numbers gives 560 objects to place only for those 4 Number Display Screens...

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I am not really understand what are you talking about it.


Nevertheless my suggestion as follow:

- take a vanilla book you like to see

- create 10 copies of that

- look for the book cover texture and create a new texture for each book with a digit from 0 up to 9

- use creation kit to combine texture with book

- now use these books to display the four numbers in Office

Hint: you can put these books in a formlist for easy access and using a while loop!


Good luck!

Edited by ReDragon2013
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I too don't really understand...

But if it's going to generate a random and not a prefixed amount, which it's actually more easy to do (a prefixed amount), then you'll need to do something like this.

If you want to generate a random digit display according to how much "Credits" you have, this is going to need an outside the box thinking.

My rough idea proposal:

You will need to separate those credits in value content according to their numerical status in your script/container/bank.

let's say you have 1520 credits, then:

1000 of 9000

500 of 900

20 of 90

0 of 9

Each one of those values (only the first digit, or the whole amount in absolute number > 5000 > 500 > 50 > 5 > 0) will correspond to a certain "TRANSLATE" the "Z axis" position of the corresponding to the credit value "Cylinder Shape Mesh Credit Count" that will have in its side the numbers from 0 to 9, so 5000 credits, then tranlsate the fourth cylinder to the 5 number position.

fourth cylinder = thousands

third cylinder = hundreds

second cylinder = tens

first cylinder = units

So when you have a value of a 5000 the corresponding to "5" thousand digit in the "Cylinder Shape Mesh" will "Transate" to that position, more or less how the old "cash registers" worked, a rotating cylinder with the numbers on its side.

Function TranslateTo(float afX, float afY, float afZ, float afAngleX, float afAngleY, float afAngleZ, float afSpeed, \

float afMaxRotationSpeed = 0.0) native

* I don't know if i'm clear enough, but the "old cash registers" said it all... what i was thinking.

Edited by maxarturo
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