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SmartBlueCat & His computer


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So, it appears that this guy who created Inigo can't afford to buy a new computer. This is sad. A crowdfund has been set up for the poor guy.


If anyone deserves it, its that crazy ex skooma addict mod author. Who all gives us some hope and companionship through our treks through Tamriel. BUT! I would like to point out that SBCs computer now appears to be paid for and more. He could even go crazy with flashing LEDs, liquid cooling, DDR7s and whatnots.


I would like to remind the community that there are real blue cats out there who has been put out to pasture. Abandoned and in need of your help. Adopt one of these cute furry animals today and teach them to use a Daedric bow or hand them some money for..audio equipment or whatever. Please.


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Edited by Botchling
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