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Been online for ages looking for a forum or something with someone with the same issues however I cannot find anything :(

So I am playing modded with Legacy of the Dragonborn and Familiar Faces, I found the Moon and Star ring (at the time I didn't realise its meant to inta kill you) and I equipped it straight from the container, the ring didn't kill me until about 2 hours later when I uploaded my character in the familiar faces area, now if I load any save, even from 15 hours before or the very start it pops up with the message "You are not the true nerevarine" and kills me.

-If I deactivate Legacy its fine but as soon as its re-enabled it kills me again
-If I resurrect my character I lose all of my special powers etc.
-I don't want to have to keep Legacy deleted as I have put a too much time into it
-Also dont want to start a new character
-If I console command the nerevarine perk in before the message pops up it still kills me.


Use LOOT and Vortex but don't believe its a load order issue, I usually fix all my own issues and this is the first I can't wrap my head around

Not sure how to proceed, any help would be greatly appreciated

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