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Cannot Remove an Unusual NPC Ability (Console Commands)


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I am trying to remove two seemingly NPC-exclusive abilities, raisezombielefthand and icespikelefthand from two different follower Dawnguard NPCs. I obtained the correct IDs for both spells from http://fusromod.com/formids.php?idpage=spell_item.


The IDs for both spells are 000C969E (raisezombie) and 40000 (icespike) respectively. I have tried using the removespell command, removeitem command, etc. and nothing seems to get rid of these abilities.


Any advice would be appreciated. I am quite new to Nexus the use of Skyrim's console commands and so I ask that you excuse me if the answer to this question is obvious.

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I have toyed around with this issue further. It seems that while I am able to add (and then remove) either of the two aforementioned abilities to myself using console commands (player.addspell), I am not able to remove or add either one to my followers/another NPC. Whenever I attempt to do so, I am simply given error messages saying that I can neither add nor remove either spell. Strange.


Maybe NPC abilities cannot be added to NPCs using the console commands? (Or only these specific ones)

Edited by jmjm7
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