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Is Vilkas Snubbing Me?


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I'm doing the Companions quests for the umpteenth time, and I've done just about everything (Aela's totems, shipped Kodlak off to Sovengard and cured Farkas) but right after we took care of Kodlak, Vilkas stopped talking to me. When I walk up to him, he gives me one of his generic greetings but when I try to engage him in conversation...nothing. I've tried killing/resurrecting him, resetai, recyclenpc, disable/enable and beating him up to try and shock him back into the game with no effect. I can't go back to a time before he wasn't talking because I've purged saves since then. Anyone got a trick that I haven't tried? I'm open to suggestions.

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I doubt it recyclenpc can help you. Are you familiar with console quest commands?



player.sqs <QID>

getstage <QID>

getstage <QID> <stage value>



setobjectivecompleted <QID> <stage> <#> (# = o or 1)



resetquest <QID>

Edited by Skybroom
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To a certain extent. "Recyclenpc" was simply one of the suggestions I found while researching fixes for the problem, but it turned out to be bogus (at least in the way I used it). I've been successful in fixing a number of Farkas' Trouble in Skyrim and intimidation quests with console commands, but Vilkas not talking to me has me stumped.

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