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Door errors


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If it's not one thing it's another, I've redone this mod a few times, and when I'm almost done, this happens. All of a sudden I have been getting door errors on doors that are 1. not modified by my mod and 2. not even in the general area as where my mod is. There are 8 of them. Should I worry about them or will they be effected by my mod at all? If so how do I fix them without editing the doors in question?
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Unfortunately, I can't get TESVGecko to work. I've tried both 64 and 86 installation and neither worked. I did use TES5Edit and didn't see anything except a static I'd accidentally changed.
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Ah well, no changed records = no issue. Right? CK and it's weird error messages at odd times... :wallbash:


I shouldn't complain really - mine has decided to stop all odd messages recently except for one about a navmesh having no parent (when loading skyrim.esm - without anything else loaded).

Edited by acidzebra
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the navmesh error is because of a cell with nothing but a navmesh, I believe. I get two of them at startup. I also get one around Markarth's gate I thought it was my mod, but I got it without my mod loaded. Which makes me wonder of the one I get around Falkreath is not a vanilla game error too.
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