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Modifying Light Sources


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I'm trying to modify the following light source: PipboyLight640


I want to change it's radius from 640 to 2048 (which means changing the byte at offset 155 from 03 [640 radius] to 08 [2048 radius])


Here's the Hex for what I have so far:




I can't figure out WHY none of my changes to this light source are showing up in-game.


Even if I set the light radius to FF [256 + (256*256) = 65792] or 0F [(256*256) = 65536], still -nothing- shows up in-game.


Maybe I should try hex-editing Fallout3.esm itself and see if the changes take effect? >_<


I'm -certain- I've figured out where the radius and color data is stored in light sources in Fallout 3.. Bah.

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