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Death Of The DragonBorn


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Hi Guys


i have an idea for a mod(not being a modder for a couple of years i don't have the time to mod anymore) anyway i have gotten an idea when finishing up the last quests of skyrim, what if the dragon born dies. by having a mod which allows the player to actually prepare and meet their demise then pass the torch to their kid/s (hearthfire) i came up with a story line which lets the dragon born take his/her power and store it in the black star. and then entrust the star to some NPC (modder Choice) and the player would be locking themselves in a tomb or die in battle or something. i think it would be awesome if the player can choose what type of death they want i.e if they are vampire (Volkuin) they can get imprisoned in a tomb like serana and have their soul extracted by a necromancer from the college, or die a gory death in an other worldly plane fight unlimited amounts of deadra.


the mod would then fast forward a few years(maybe 20 or 30) change how skyrim looks a little bit i.e ruins of thing the dragon born did etc and have their child grow up and then be met by a stranger who was entrusted by the dragon born to pass his power down. throw in some quests or get the player out of skyrim and start a new, i know that this would a giant mod but i think it would be pretty epic. also just as a side note another cool mod would be having the dragon born sell their body to a draguir possessed by a deadric prince who gives the dragon born the ability to harvest bodies and use them as his own effectively living forever. just food for thought. any way i think this mod would be awesome to have but i don't have the time to mod so hopefully some one reads this post and decides to try and make it


cheers ltstrom

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