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CM partners question


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Hey everyone,


Just wanted to know how to change a CM partner's clothes/armor. I downloaded a Partner which on the screenshots has a terrific armor set, but when I go find that partner, she has a blue robe kinda boring. Anyway, thx

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talk to the companion, they should have either party item, share or both in their list of topics, pick one of them, and you'll be transfered to a container window (like the one you get when looting a chest) put the items you want him/her to use in her inventory (click on the left bag at the bottom of the window, and then click the items you want to give him/her, leave the screen, and they should have the items, however, they'll still don the best armor they have available, so if you give them an ebony dagger but they have a daedric longsword, they'll use the longsword.
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