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Skyrim won't run with ENB


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Sorry if this is answered somewhere else but the search engine on the forum seems to be having trouble? I just got a brand new PC and put a brand new copy of Windows 10 Pro on it and it seems like ENB will not work. Skyrim runs fine without ENB. From what I can tell from googling, it looks like Microsoft broke something related to custom d3d9.dll files in one of the updates. Boris, typically, is behaving like a child about it and refusing to look into it.


I've downloaded and installed the 2010 DirectX stuff, DotNet, and Visual whatever support, updated my bios and my graphics card and it's still not working. I've tried running Riva Tuner having it force enable custom d3d9 support and still not working. The Graphics card is a Radeon 5700 XT.


I can live with Fallout 4 with no ENB, but not Skyrim. Anyone know what I can do?


Well nevermind. It just mysteriously started working for no reason I can see. Carry on.

Edited by Rooker75
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