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Voice Bug


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So yeah, the topic description kind of says it all. My male Dunmer PC grunts and yells with the female Dunmer voice when fighting, falling, getting tired, etc. I know the male voice exists, because fooling around with showracemenu and so forth, I've managed to fix it for short periods, but the female voice always comes back. (I have since learned to be careful with showracemenu :P)


Anyway, I see a lot of mods for adding new voice files and so forth, but no fixes for this even though I know of others who've had the same problem. Weird how this never got fixed by the devs in the past year. I just came back to the game after a long break and hoped that a lot of these lame bugs would have been ironed out by now. Oh well, that's Bethesda for you.


SO. You people are smart and I am dumb. Any advice for getting the correct sound files to apply to my player character permanently?


Thanking you in advance,

Your pal,


Edited by Zombra
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