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Reduce found ammo...


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Significantly lowering ammo found from corpses and containers using random loot tables (filing cabinets, footlockers, ammo boxes) by anywhere between one half and (preferably for me) one fourth. Then multiplying how much ammo merchants (or at least key ones) have in their stock. Would add a significant survival feel to the game.





To me, there's nothing like trying to ration your ammo while dropping enemies in a raider base, or having to pull out your sidearm on that ghoul because you know you'll need those last few shotgun shells for something worse.


At the beginning of the game roughly until I find myself at level 6-8, ammo is fairly scarce, and Fallout 3 truly does feel like a survival game (my favorite kind of shooter).


At that point I mentioned though, I find my 5.56 ammo piling up to absurd amounts, even up to a thousand by the time I'm at around level 12. This goes for pretty much all the small weapons. I stopped using VATS (which I was using to conserve ammo) for the hell of it and I still couldn't spend it as fast as it was coming in.


This is partly because of the generous amounts of ammo you can find off of enemies, but I think mostly due to all the random ammo you can find in containers and especially ammo boxes. I don't use "Scrounger", since I seem to already be one in-game :sweat:


I'd appreciate it if someone could make a mod so that the ammo found off of enemies was generally cut in half, and the ammo found in all containers was cut to a fourth (I know not everyone may agree with me on these numbers, so if you figure out how to do it, please show us how!) . I'm not sure how possible it is, but I imagine the details of how much ammo is allowed to drop is somewhere, as I remember reloading a save and finding a different set of random loot in a filing cabinet. I'd have a guess that it's more complicated than your typical weapon damage mod though, for example.


I realize that might almost be too little ammo (unless you actually took the Scrounger perk), so I thought I'd kill two birds with one stone regarding another problem with the game I had: I already made myself a mod that makes buying/selling prices a lot harsher for the player since I thought it was too easy to get a ton of money in the game. However, I *still* already have more caps than I know what to do with by the time I hit about level 10, and that's after buying absolutely everything for my house along with a few schematics.


Giving traders (let's say) double or triple the ammunition that they normally have in stock should not only ensure that the player can get the ammo *somewhere*, but can actually have something to spend his caps on. If the idea of giving it to all traders is too complicated, then giving a huge amount of ammunition to the merchants of a few special areas like the Citadel, Rivet City, and Paradise Falls would be appropriate.


I hope there's a lot of other people who feel the same way, anyways. I'd appreciate any feedback, and of course the mod itself :biggrin:

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Requests like this always confuse me, maybe one of you guys can give me some clarification (seriously, I really want to know).


1. If you open an ammo crate, what do you expect to be inside other than ammo and maybe a weapon?

2. If someone is shooting at you and you kill them and check the body, do you expect them to have something other than a pocket full of bullets?


In the real world, when there is a disaster one of the first things people do is horde food, weapons and ammo, so in Fallout it is perfectly realistic that you would find these items in nearly every house. Also, Fallout 3 is not a survival game, it's an action-RPG so there should be bullets everywhere.

Just because you find a box with 50 bullets and enough snack cakes to give you diabetes just from standing too close, doesn't mean you have to take it. You could leave half of it there or if you have a six-shooter only take six bullets or even just don't open the box in the first place. And there's always the default tactic of just upping the difficulty setting so that your bullets cause less damage. I shot a creature in the face at point-blank range with a missile launcher, then it chased me for two miles until some Brotherhood soldiers killed it. That's not realistic, it's just annoying.


I'm not saying your request is a bad idea, I'm simply saying that I do not understand the motivation of putting the effort, time and work into making a mod for something that the player can quite simply just stop doing.


Patient: "Hey Doc, it really hurts when I bend my arm like this."

Doctor: "Well, stop bending your arm like that."

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Requests like this always confuse me, maybe one of you guys can give me some clarification (seriously, I really want to know).


1. If you open an ammo crate, what do you expect to be inside other than ammo and maybe a weapon?

2. If someone is shooting at you and you kill them and check the body, do you expect them to have something other than a pocket full of bullets?


In the real world, when there is a disaster one of the first things people do is horde food, weapons and ammo, so in Fallout it is perfectly realistic that you would find these items in nearly every house. Also, Fallout 3 is not a survival game, it's an action-RPG so there should be bullets everywhere.

Just because you find a box with 50 bullets and enough snack cakes to give you diabetes just from standing too close, doesn't mean you have to take it. You could leave half of it there or if you have a six-shooter only take six bullets or even just don't open the box in the first place. And there's always the default tactic of just upping the difficulty setting so that your bullets cause less damage. I shot a creature in the face at point-blank range with a missile launcher, then it chased me for two miles until some Brotherhood soldiers killed it. That's not realistic, it's just annoying.


I'm not saying your request is a bad idea, I'm simply saying that I do not understand the motivation of putting the effort, time and work into making a mod for something that the player can quite simply just stop doing.


Patient: "Hey Doc, it really hurts when I bend my arm like this."

Doctor: "Well, stop bending your arm like that."



Thank you for your insincere rhetorical questions in the form of "curiosity".


In response to your explanations about real world logic with respect to this game - I expect to see ammo and maybe a weapon like you said in crates and other places. Do I expect to see a lot of it when it's in places where arguably many random scavengers probably have visited it before?


Often not.


Is it realistic that everyone and their grandma has a weapon and bullets to spare after a fightfight?




Could it be more realistic that people that have accumulated wealth, maybe through trade, could have found the means to hire others to find them supplies, maybe creating a disparity between found ammo and sold ammo? (Sounds familiar, I know)


Sure, and I bet we could develop theories about this all day.


Please don't give me BS about what is realistic or not because you apparently think you have a good understanding of a fictional setting, and don't tell me what I already know about the genre in the mod request section of the forum where I am asking for it. We are in a mod suggestion forum after all, and since you haven't put the two together, mods often change the way a game works, even in a way that you may not like. Get over it. I understand if it's "not your bag," but you certainly seemed to think it wasn't mine either.


Your suggestion is to not pick up ammo. Or pick up half of it? So you go on about what is realistic, then explain to me that a person should ignore ammo when it would be nothing but beneficial to pick it up. Does this make sense to you? Does that sound anything other than a break in the immersion of the game? I suppose I could pick up the ammo, then go into my inventory and drop a certain amount each time I pick some up, or periodically drop my ammo if you think that'd be smarter. Or, someone helpful could make a mod that reduces found ammo without that hassle. Sound familiar?


By the way buddy, I already play the game on a harder difficulty. I created my own damage mod so that a rocket to the face means death, your complaint is not relevant to my problems. You act like if someone created this mod that you'll be forced to take it. Maybe you should take your own "doctoral" advise.


No really, thanks.

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Thank you for your insincere rhetorical questions in the form of "curiosity".


If you take a look at my post history you'll see I do not ask rhetorical questions, I lack the patience and tolerance to put up with the type of person who would attempt to respond to it, there's always one. I would not ask unless I really did want to know, which I did.


And it's more than clear from the tone of your first sentence that the rest of your post is likely just you being an internet douchebag, so I won't bother reading it, but hey congratulations on the plus-one post count.



Thank you for your insincere rhetorical questions in the form of "curiosity".


In response to your explanations about real world logic with respect to this game - I expect to see ammo and maybe a weapon like you said in crates and other places. Do I expect to see a lot of it when it's in places where arguably many random scavengers probably have visited it before?


Often not.


Is it realistic that everyone and their grandma has a weapon and bullets to spare after a fightfight?




Could it be more realistic that people that have accumulated wealth, maybe through trade, could have found the means to hire others to find them supplies, maybe creating a disparity between found ammo and sold ammo? (Sounds familiar, I know)


Sure, and I bet we could develop theories about this all day.


Please don't give me BS about what is realistic or not because you apparently think you have a good understanding of a fictional setting, and don't tell me what I already know about the genre in the mod request section of the forum where I am asking for it. We are in a mod suggestion forum after all, and since you haven't put the two together, mods often change the way a game works, even in a way that you may not like. Get over it. I understand if it's "not your bag," but you certainly seemed to think it wasn't mine either.


Your suggestion is to not pick up ammo. Or pick up half of it? So you go on about what is realistic, then explain to me that a person should ignore ammo when it would be nothing but beneficial to pick it up. Does this make sense to you? Does that sound anything other than a break in the immersion of the game? I suppose I could pick up the ammo, then go into my inventory and drop a certain amount each time I pick some up, or periodically drop my ammo if you think that'd be smarter. Or, someone helpful could make a mod that reduces found ammo without that hassle. Sound familiar?


By the way buddy, I already play the game on a harder difficulty. I created my own damage mod so that a rocket to the face means death, your complaint is not relevant to my problems. You act like if someone created this mod that you'll be forced to take it. Maybe you should take your own "doctoral" advise.


No really, thanks.

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I don't care to see your illustrious posting history, but I know a jackass post when I see one. And your really better off, as I think reading my post would hurt someone who's egocentric enough to think someone's post count matters. Good job at being hypocritical and bumping your own again by the way.


If you were trying to be sincere, you failed miserably, which honestly is not easy to do. I can't see how my response could surprise you. Silly, condescending (and fairly irrelevant) questions like "well what do you expect when..." deserve nothing less than what I gave it.

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Back on topic, I found something interesting in FOMM regarding information on containers for anyone who might have not noticed:





Under GRUP(CONT) are all the containers in the game. My picture selects a First Aid Kit container, and under that selects CNTO. If you click the "69" it shows the form ID (It's the first one so it should already be selected). I'm very sure this actually refers to the formID of the Stimpak. You can check out the formID's of a lot of things by googling a console cheatlist of all the item ID's. I'd imagine maybe nearby is the maximum/minimum numbers for how many can spawn in that particular container type. In fact in that same code is a value of 1 and 2.


Just throwin that out there in case a willing modder didn't know. :thumbsup:


Oh, and to get a full picture, click the top tab, clicking anywhere else will just send ya to ImageHost.

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Blindsniper is absolutely right. Finding those amounts of ammo 200-300 years after the last bulletfactory closed is just damn stupid. Ammo and weapons should only found in deep military installations and on enemys (but way less ammo). this would also fix the "I have more money then I can spend" bug. Rivet Town could be specialized in providing more ammo since they have the means to produce it.



it might be a good idea to think about your ideas before you post em.

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