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Question about dialogue and mods with subtitles.


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I've downloaded a number of mods. Some of which don't have any voice dialogue included. I've turned on subtitles to be able to read what's going on -- but whenever I talk to an NPC I click my mouse once to go to the next line that they'd speak, and then it just quickly skips through all the dialogue and I can't read it in time.


Am I not supposed to click? Or what am I doing wrong? I can't read what's going on because it skips so fast! :(

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These sound like bad mods, or else mods that told you to use a program to generate silent voice files. In a properly built mod, there will either be voiced dialog and text delay, silent dialog files and text delay, or instructions to use another mod to give you silent dialog files and text delay.


There is also the possibility that you have not installed the mods completely. If the dialog files were not installed, then the text would flash past too quickly to read.


It might be that you would have better luck if you refrained from clicking on the text and just waited for another line to display.

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