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Mod Request - Slider for Shop


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I'm hoping to get someone to make a mod that adds a slide bar at shops like there is on the mobile version. I love how on mobile I can slide the bar to how many items I want to buy, and see how much it will all cost before clicking the purchace button. On pc you just click the item and it auto buys, there is no way to calculate how much you're going to spend before you buy, other than bringing out your calculator or doing the math in head to see how much it would cost to buy multiples of what you're purchasing. Its just anoying... The slider would add peace of mind. Thanks!

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I'm hoping to get someone to make a mod that adds a slide bar at shops like there is on the mobile version. I love how on mobile I can slide the bar to how many items I want to buy, and see how much it will all cost before clicking the purchace button. On pc you just click the item and it auto buys, there is no way to calculate how much you're going to spend before you buy, other than bringing out your calculator or doing the math in head to see how much it would cost to buy multiples of what you're purchasing. Its just anoying... The slider would add peace of mind. Thanks!


Thanks so much! I created an account and submited my request. Hopefully someone there, or maybe here will pick it up. It seems a simple enough mod to me, but I honestly know nothing about making mods.

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