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Follower Parade


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(I'm not sure where to post this hypothetical since it has to do with modding but not a specific game. New Vegas was just the game I happened to be playing when I had the idea.)


Yesterday, I was playing Fallout: New Vegas when I went through a door and became trapped in a follower logjam. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has experienced this in multiple games. Too many great follower mods on top of vanilla ones. You want to experience all the fun stories, quests, and one-liners but then you have to deal with leading a small army. The difficulty disappears, you're leading a parade wherever you go, and narrow passages become impassable without noclipping.


For shits and giggles, and since I'm no modder, I figured I'd ask the experts: How much of a mind-boggling pain-in-the-ass would it be to merge multiple companions into one body? Just toss all the voices, quests, interactions, etc. into a single follower? On a scale from 1 to 10, what level of hell would it be? :laugh:

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