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.dds Mods - help please


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I've edited the fallout.ini in my documents/my games/fallout 3 folder and i've made up the ArchiveInvalidation.txt file in the fallout 3 directory, but nothing changes except the armor mods, the weapons retextures don't work
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For the people that mentioned gimp I use the gimp for all my texture exports and I find the gimp importer and exporter is the best. Opening a dds is just like opening any other file and exporting is as simple as going save as then clicking ok in the box that appears (this box has only 2 or 3 options that are only check boxes that I just leave alone). I have never had an issue with gimp exported dds files.


For Ashman85 make sure you have the textures in the right place (it would help a lot if you could give us the full directory path where the textures are). As an example the texture for the sniper rifle would be in the fallout3\data\textures\weapons\2handrifle\sniperrifle.dds

and make shure the invalidation file has the proper path to the dds file.

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