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Ideas for additional thane rewards - how to detect thane award


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Hello there.


I am looking to add more thane rewards for a mod I am working on.


Basically, when a player gets named thane, and gets their normal vanilla item, I want to give another item.


Some ways I thought of doing this;


1 - Quest with player reference, that has an on additemevent, and check for the items.


There is a thane weapon mod that does it this way - but it feels...like a lot of overhead checking every single time the player gets a new item.


2 - A set of nine quests that have conditions for the player to get to the thane portion of the hold quests, then kicking off a script that gives the new item.

This feels like brute force, and well, a lot of overhead. Also, if the player adds mid game, they will just get items appearing...


3 - A quest that runs with story manager on location change, and then checks to see if thane quests are completed, then either gives item (with maybe a message or something) or kicks off courier quests to deliver them.


This feels less immersive, but maybe easier. Of coure, I have to learn story manager, and the courier quests.



Anyone else have suggestions for giving additional thane rewards?


thank you in advance.




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well, you should make code injection to following scripts, but make sure you had a look at script changes inside USLEEP and/or USSEP before

ScriptName FavorJarlsMakeFriendsScript extends Quest Conditional

   FUNCTION GetOutofJailCard()

maybe interesting properties


;Thanes get out of jail conditions (2x 9 conditions)
    ; 0 = not a thane yet
    ; 1 = Thane, has not used his get out of jail card
    ; 2 = Thane, has used his get out of jail card

  Int Property ReachImpGetOutofJail Auto Conditional
  Int Property ReachSonsGetOutofJail Auto Conditional

  Int Property RiftImpGetoutofJail Auto Conditional
  Int Property RiftSonsGetOutofJail Auto Conditional

  Int Property HaafingarImpGetOutofJail Auto Conditional
  Int Property HaafingarSonsGetOutofJail Auto Conditional

  Int Property WhiterunImpGetOutofJail Auto Conditional
  Int Property WhiterunSonsGetOutofJail Auto Conditional

  Int Property EastmarchImpGetOutofJail Auto Conditional
  Int Property EastmarchSonsGetOutofJail Auto Conditional

  Int Property HjaalmarchImpGetOutofJail Auto Conditional
  Int Property HjaalmarchSonsGetOutofJail Auto Conditional

  Int Property PaleImpGetOutofJail Auto Conditional
  Int Property PaleSonsGetOutofJail Auto Conditional

  Int Property WinterholdImpGetOutofJail Auto Conditional
  Int Property WinterholdSonsGetOutofJail Auto Conditional

  Int Property FalkreathImpGetOutofJail Auto Conditional
  Int Property FalkreathSonsGetOutofJail Auto Conditional




9 quest fragment scripts, three was changed by HearthFires AddOn

Scriptname QF_Favor250_000A2C86 Extends Quest Hidden  ; Markarth
Scriptname QF_Favor252_000A2C9B Extends Quest Hidden  ; Solitude
Scriptname QF_Favor253_000A2C9E Extends Quest Hidden  ; Whiterun
Scriptname QF_Favor254_000A2CA6 Extends Quest Hidden  ; Windhelm
Scriptname QF_Favor255_000A34CE Extends Quest Hidden  ;          in vanilla Skyrim + HearthFires AddOn
Scriptname QF_Favor256_000A34D4 Extends Quest Hidden  ;          in vanilla Skyrim + HearthFires AddOn
Scriptname QF_Favor257_000A34D7 Extends Quest Hidden
Scriptname QF_Favor258_000A34DE Extends Quest Hidden  ;          in vanilla Skyrim + HearthFires AddOn
Scriptname QF_FreeformRiftenThane_00065BDF Extends Quest Hidden

+ one additional fragment script
Scriptname QF_MQ104B_0002610C Extends Quest Hidden
Edited by ReDragon2013
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Thanks that will certainly give me a place to look besides checking quest stages.


I have never seen conditional properties before....I checked the script - they are not linked to anything - and the creation kit wiki makes them sound like some kind of hidden variables....not sure how to reference them from another script...


(one of my goals is to not change any of the base scripts unless absolutely necessary - as to be compatible with as many other mods as possible).


thank you again, I will look into these...

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