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where is the script?!


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So ive been working on what should have been an easy and quick mod which adds a grizzled and murderous follower after finishing a quest. The problem is the follower has custom everything including dialogue, because of that i cant just rely on the traditional method of setting him to a default voice. I have found the quest for follower dialogue and have added him in but i cant find the quest that actually makes people followers. I treid just writing a script that adds hime to currentfollowerfaction with a rank of 1 at the end of the quest but its not working can anybody please help
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Hello? Yes, this is script.


Im not 100% sure about this approach, and cannot test atm, but i do think it should go something like this.


At the on end fragment, in the topic info which should end the conversation with the npc becoming a follower, do this;


- Add a comment first so you can edit properties properly


;Make speaker a follower


- Press ok to close the topic info.


- Open it up again.


- Add 2 faction properties called, for example, factCurrentFollower (set value to CurrentFollowerFaction) and factPotentialFollower (set value to PotentialFollowerFaction)


- Go back to script fragment and add this under the comment line;


akSpeaker.SetFactionRank(factCurrentFollower, -1)
akSpeaker.SetFactionRank(factPotentialFollower, 0)


- Compile, ok exit etc. and try it out.

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